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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 03, 2023


I dunno, maybe I’m just easy, or got lucky with bugs (not that I ran into none, but none were game breaking) the ending wasn’t great but I enjoyed it enough that it didn’t spoil the rest of the game. Now it does feel like there is missing content in the final act, and seems like they probably rushed it out at the end, but I spent 100 enjoyable hours getting there so I can’t complain too much.

However, I really really hope that either via patches or DLCs they include the missing content and the final act gets polished up to the quality of the rest of the game. Again I didn’t think it was bad, just the first two acts were amazing. i will say however one of the best parts of the game is in act 3 as well. Loved the game, almost immediately started a 2nd playthrough, and have plans for a 3rd and 4th.

Hah was super excited to watch this, we have the mini version for storing drinks/frozen snacks in, they also make a microwave so we got it to match. They are pretty mediocre but they work and look great! I wouldn’t advise using them as your primary appliances though lol.

Python is pretty easy to pickup and super popular so there are tons of guides and libraries to help get the job done. It does have a library called PyGame but honestly it is not super powerful, however there is a FOSS engine called Godot that uses what they call gdscript, which is very similar to Python.