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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 28, 2023


Classic “fuck you got mine” take from someone who has experienced no difficulty in decades with a field. If you’re ignoring the mass layoffs happening across multiple fields right now, ESPECIALLY in well-performing companies, I guess it looks like AI is not having much of an effect. Like if you consciously decide to not look at any business news at all this take could make sense.

It would have killed nintendo to add an ethernet port. As someone who bought the dongle, having a wired connection will NOT save you from nintendo online being the worst gaming networking service ever devised. No game benefits from it, least of all actual nintendo titles like splatoon or smash. It’s not even a problem of speed, it’s wholesale reliability issues, constant loss of connection errors. If an ethernet port was available included rather than needing to be a seperate purchase, more people would realize sooner just how truly awful the paid nintendo online service is.

I’m just still mad that I could play phantasy star online for ten hours uninterrupted on my gamecube, but now there’s not a single nintendo title that has stable online. Pokémon might let you get a raid or two before needing to reconnect. Splatoon might get a match or three before needing to reconnect completely. Smash won’t stay stable for even one full match. It’s a complete tragedy.

The car goes away when you drive it off. Replacing the car would take power to run multiple assembly and formation machines, and resources for each part.

When you download a movie, it doesn’t go anywhere, you simply use a miniscule amount of power to make a copy.

No one has lost anything and the product is still available where it was. Copying is not theft. When you steal, you leave one less left.

How many lemmy commenters can make the same false equivalence analogy in one week?

Unbelievable that you could miss the point this much and still ask “what’s hard to understand” lmfao