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Cake day: Jul 12, 2023


How fun! Albertans are well known for responding rationally to being told how they should change their behaviour when faced with a large-scale crisis.

Tim Hortons is shit. I’m convinced that the people who still go there have simply never actually had good coffee or doughnuts and have no basis of comparison.

Even then you’d think all the shitty company practices and inedible sandwiches would encourage them to try somewhere else.

I’m more of a glass-half-full kind of person. I think we should look at it as “Upcoming wildfire season could be best one for the next 50 years”.

I agree. We also need regulation that makes manufacturers responsible for the end costs of their packaging and products. This kind of thinking is starting to come around, as municipalities and taxpayers have finally started waking up to the fact that it’s ultimately our dollars that are paying for the corporations to create as much waste as they want. We’re the ones that have to pay for the garbage pickups and the landfills where it all ends up.

This is terribly incorrect. Space is not a solution. The amount of energy required to send trash into space is very high and therefore expensive, like ~$5000/kg, and would generate a stupid amount of C02. Watch this video, it gives a great perspective on the scope of the problem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Us2Z-WC9rao

Alternatively, the Earth is HUGE. All the garbage ever generated in the history of humankind would fit into a comparatively tiny space. This is obviously a terrible option too, but WAY better than space.

Burning it is also terrible - no matter how good we get the incinerators, they still produce unacceptable levels of dioxins and other chemicals. You are much more likely to get cancer if you live near an incinerator.

The ONLY solution is to stop producing so much plastic.

Was this article written by an insane person?

the current Goldilocks state of the North American economy


Much of this conflicts with the view, widely expressed in some form by commentators and political leaders of all stripes, that Canadians will benefit if the prices of things like groceries and houses would only go back to the levels they were at in the good old days, say, before the pandemic, so that people could afford them.

so that people could afford them.


No shit?

Hell yeah. Fuck you cultists. Nice work by everyone in that town!

This comment needs to be higher up.

This kind of article isn’t news, it’s marketing.

Because the problem is that smokers just haven’t noticed yet that cigarettes are bad for them. This is big brain thinking!

They’ve been proven guilty time and time again for decades. There’s entire Wikipedia articles about just the last ten years of them interfering with Canadian elections and influencing MPs, but it goes back way farther than that. Remember the collapse of Nortel? That was the fucking Chinese.

It’s getting more media attention because more of it is coming to light, and people are sick of it.