• 14 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 17, 2023


Oh I wish it was. Eg. here in Finland sharing movies etc. among friends or downloading them off the internet used to be legal as long as you weren’t doing it for profit or distributing stuff to a huge audience, but that changed in 2006 because the new EU Copyright Directive required it, and that directive was hugely influenced by the likes of WIPO.

Governments rarely realize anything related to IP that the copyright mafia doesn’t spoon-feed them, unfortunately.

Calling reverse() on a function should return its inverse

I dint know many OO languages that don’t have a useless toString on string types.

Well, that’s just going to be one of those “it is what it is” things in an OO language if your base class has a toString()-equivalent. Sure, it’s probably useless for a string, but if everything’s an object and inherits from some top-level Object class with a toString() method, then you’re going to get a toString() method in strings too. You’re going to get a toString() in everything; in JS even functions have a toString() (the output of which depends on the implementation):

In a dynamically typed language, if you know that everything can be turned into a string with toString() (or the like), then you can just call that method on any value you have and not have to worry about whether it’ll hurl at runtime because eg. Strings don’t have a toString because it’d technically be useless.

Everything that’s an Object is going to either inherit Object.prototype.toString() (mdn) or provide its own implementation. Like I said in another comment, even functions have a toString() because they’re also objects.

A String is an Object, so it’s going to have a toString() method. It doesn’t inherit Object’s implementation, but provides one that’s sort of a no-op / identity function but not quite.

So, the thing is that when you say const someString = "test string", you’re not actually creating a new String object instance and assigning it to someString, you’re creating a string (lowercase s!) primitive and assigning it to someString:

Compare this with creating a new String("bla"):

In Javascript, primitives don’t actually have any properties or methods, so when you call someString.toString() (or call any other method or access any property on someString), what happens is that someString is coerced into a String instance, and then toString() is called on that. Essentially it’s like going new String(someString).toString().

Now, what String.prototype.toString() (mdn) does is it returns the underlying string primitive and not the String instance itself:

Why? Fuckin beats me, I honestly can’t remember what the point of returning the primitive instead of the String instance is because I haven’t been elbow-deep in Javascript in years, but regardless this is what String’s toString() does. Probably has something to do with coercion logic.

Ah, I managed to completely miss the last part of the comment because I’m an eejit who can’t read good

In 2017 his name was mentioned as a visionary comparable to the Wright Brothers and Zefram Cochrane (inventor of the warp drive) on a Star Trek episode set in the 2250s.

By a character who was explicitly evil and whose judgement we were not meant to trust, though

Honestly, just properly funding anything that is designed to do benevolent things for the community as a whole is a tough sell with way too many US community politicians

This seems to be a problem with at least conservative politicians everywhere. In Finland where I live we do still have the vestiges of a welfare state (and it really is vestigial at this point), but right wing politicians keep dismantling it and cutting taxes on the rich, and later on leftist politicians find it impossible to roll back any changes due to resistance from the right.

Yeah this is absolutely the most fucking infuriating part about conservatives. They’ll crow about how “leftists” (ie. what seems like anyone left of the Strasserites) want to have a one-party fascist state that controls every aspect of people’s lives, and when they get in power they start doing exactly what they accuse leftists of wanting.

They also have a real habit of blaming all of their own fuckups on the left; our current extremist government got in to power by claiming that our previous leftist government caused some sort of massive debt problem (government debt did increase, but they had COVID to deal with), when the reality is that it has been the previous 20 or so years of right wing governments who have consistently cut taxes for the rich and sold government property to cover for the budget deficits. Conveniently reich-wingers ignored the part where their ideology is the one that wants to cut taxes, leading to higher debt and cut social programs and public services, and somehow they’re stupid enough that they don’t even see it themselves and they believe it when their lying politicians claim it is all the evil leftists’ fault that our public healthcare is now completely broken and the welfare system is among the worst in Europe.

The way I’ve understood the “defund the police” movement’s point is that they’re saying police funding is excessive because a lot of the things cops do should be handled before the cops have to get involved, eg. with higher funding for mental health and social services, housing for homeless people etc. So the point is that you wouldn’t need as many cops in the first place if things were handled more humanely “downstream” so to speak, instead of just letting problems fester until things go sideways

Or a FAT meme you’re too young to understand? I honestly can’t remember if NTFS needs defragging or not, I haven’t used Windows since Win7

I assume that the reich-wingers will use these protests as justification for crackdowns.

Here in Finland we had months of strikes against our current extremely conservative government’s cuts to public services, welfare etc. – naturally their reaction was to refuse to negotiate and make political strikes illegal, and to use the strikes to vilify unions and as scapegoats for poor economic performance

we thought the values of this corporation were very clear in terms of access to information.

Well there’s your problem.

The values of any corporation are “make the stockholders and executives richer”. Whatever utter horseshit they spew in their “mission statements” and “values” documents are just that, utter horseshit.

It’s almost like the rules don’t apply to the moneyed class

Considering that C-suite executives are usually fantastically expensive, they’d be a logical position to automate (assuming AI worked like suits think it does). For some veeeery strange reason no board of directors has suggested replacing themselves with AIs

Oh yes absolutely, I meant it more as in what’d be likely to make Russia a “vassal state” to China

Weeelll, they do still export a lot even to countries that have nominally sanctioned them. Obviously less nowadays than before the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, but China definitely isn’t their only export destination for petrochemicals:

(source for graph)

What might screw Russia over is their reliance on Chinese imports, however. Everything they need for eg. maintaining that oil production – let alone consumer products – has to come from somewhere, mostly either from dodging sanctions (making it more expensive and slower) or from China

When broken down into party lines, 15 percent of Republicans think he is guilty while 64 percent do not

Proving once again that the vast majority of conservatives are completely beyond help

“I’m white, cis and hetero, and they’re only hurting Others™”

Musk, the employees said, was not pleased with Tinucci’s presentation and wanted more layoffs. When she balked, saying deeper cuts would undermine charging-business fundamentals, he responded by firing her and her entire 500-member team.

The dude’s a petulant child. No wonder conservatives fawn over him.

Somebody asking “why is everyone praising it?” isn’t looking for “help”

Weeelll, not everything, but not nothing either 😁

Ew, don’t reich-wing tears taste bitter?

Right-wing dickheads definitely are screeching about the show being “woke”, though

Should be pretty obvious that I’ve liked it, but here’s yet another shocker: nobody’s under any obligation to justify why they like something, even if you don’t.

why is everyone praising it?

I know this may come as a shock, but people can have different opinions on things.

It’s wild that it apparently took up quite a chunk of an FV APC’s interior space:

Interesting that the program had to be loaded every time it was switched on, so it didn’t have any permanent storage.

Hey I still get impressed by smartphones and I’ve had one for almost 20 years now. I also remember when the emscripten LLVM-to-asm.js compiler came out which was one of the first tools that allowed people to compile pretty surprising things for browsers, and I definitely still get impressed by the fact that we can emulate old systems in our web browsers which were absolutely not intended for that.

Todd produced something that's actually good‽ I've watched the first two episodes and I've really liked it so far. While FO4 as a game was OK at best (at least vanilla; [Sim Settlements 2](https://simsettlements2.com/) is great fun), I've liked the art direction on it. I know the "chunky" look has been a bit… divisive, I think it looks suitably retrofuturistic and less drab than the earlier games, so it's fun that the show has really leaned into the style. The score by Ramin Djawadi is also really good, at times really reminds me of Ben Frost's and Marc Streitenfeld fucking _amazing_ score for Raised by Wolves. The dark humor and a somewhat quirky and sarcastic take on things is also _very_ Fallout; it doesn't take itself too seriously, but is also surprisingly dark in many ways, and not just because it's postapocalyptic and bloody. ::: spoiler spoilers for first 3 eps Things like what Maximus did to whatstheirname, with the razor in the boot, and then what happened between him and Titus after the yao guai attack. It's like everybody's at _least_ a little bit of an asshole and that there's not too many if any unambiguously "good" characters in the main cast. **Edit**: did that axolotl-looking huge mutant with fingers coming out of its mouth drop loot when it died‽ ::: All in all, it's been a really nice surprise that the show seems to have turned out well; my cynical old ass was definitely prepared for something worse, heh. How have you folks liked it? (Oh and for the love of the gods and all that is fuzzy, please remember to use spoiler tags if you talk about plot points 😁 It's the second button on the right on the comment format bar.)

Made by Per Bergland and, funnily enough, [Max Tegmark](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Tegmark). There's also a slightly saner variant called [Frac](https://archive.org/details/Frac_1020) which is only 3D. Also, anybody else find it a bit amazing that we can emulate DOS games in our frickin' browsers‽

A video about the Minuteman ICBM's guidance computer by Alexander the ok. He even made [a simulator](https://github.com/lambdaBoost/d-17b_simulator) for it, in case you want to try out what it would have been like to program an ICBM's guidance computer in the 60's 😁

Opinion piece by professor of political science [Alexander J. Motyl](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_J._Motyl). A synopsis of sorts from the first few paragraphs: > Analysts of Russia differ about many things, but the most important difference concerns their interpretation of the roots of Russia’s ongoing aggression. One side argues that Russian history and political culture are to blame — or, to put it more simply, uniquely Russian characteristics are the cause of Russian aggression. The other side argues that the causes are not uniquely Russian, but typical of the behavior of certain kinds of states, regimes, societies and leaders. > > Unsurprisingly, historians of Russia and Ukraine tend to fall into the first camp, while political scientists with a comparative bent tend to fall into the second camp. Equally unsurprisingly, the first camp sees no easy solutions to Russia’s current behavior, precisely because it’s just a continuation of an age-old pattern of Russian behavior inspired by the inalterable Russian soul. > > […] > > In contrast, social scientists are often somewhat more bullish about Russia’s prospects of change. Other countries have abandoned centuries of authoritarianism, so why not Russia? It may not be easy, but it’s surely possible, with the right array of policies and under the appropriate conditions. > > […] > > So, who’s right? Alas, both perspectives are, and that’s why there is no easy answer to the problem of Russian imperialism.

Velato: A programming language where source code must be a valid MIDI music file
cross-posted from: https://sopuli.xyz/post/10010650 > Ran into this [on HN](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39578796) and had to share it. I love esolangs with "surprising" source representations

> The street sweeper has a decent work-life balance. She takes her job very seriously. She guides her broom with intent, and her gaze is directed at the ground at all times. She sweeps meticulously, almost gingerly even. There is one particular spot she pays special attention to. For over two and a half hours she does nothing but sweep this one small area. And yet, all the effort doesn’t lead to any visible changes. No matter how diligently she sweeps, the sidewalk remains dusty and full of dried mud. > […] Does the launderess dream of her desires, of the things she might see or become? Does she work this hard because she believes it is her job that will emancipate her? Turn her dreams into reality, some day, at the terminal station of her infinite loop of labor performance?

Reverse Engineering TikTok’s VM Obfuscation | Ibiyemi Abiodun
Not mine. "Part 1" is [this](https://www.nullpt.rs/reverse-engineering-tiktok-vm-1), it's also linked to in the body. I _really_ wonder what happened: > Update (21 August 2023): I did continue my investigation, but I have decided not to publish the results. Please do not continue to email me about this.