A Reddit refugee

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


It’s sad how the whole world is going through a conservative nationalist phase, this isn’t just a Canada thing but I’ve seen it in my own country and many other European countries and American states.

It really depends on the game and what phase I’m at currently. The games that I can dump hours upon hours on are usually RPGs or have some kind of RPG element to them. I used to spend an insane amount of time on competitive games, but I’ve grown to avoid them because of how toxic they get eventually, though I still have an itch for them now and then.

Adulthood really decreased my playing time, more than I expected. It’s also harder for me to play for long periods without feeling unproductive and questioning what is the point of this…

I played it with some friends and was having a really good time for a while (we started when the game launched), but it didn’t take long until we got tired of the same game loop over and over again without much else to do, I don’t know if things have improved since then on that aspect

Personally I think Cyberpunk was a flawed masterpiece, the whole world, characters, art and story (both main and sidequests) create something so beautiful and unique to me, and there were quite a few heart wrenching moments.

I also think it’s great from a gameplay perspective, I’m a huge RPG fan and this was insanely fun to me, I’m definitely going to do at least one more playthrough once the expansion is out and I have time