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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Nuts are not high protein. I don’t know where this idea comes from. There’s protein in nuts, but compared to the amount of calories per gram it’s really not that high. Unless you want to gain weight nuts shouldn’t be your main source of proteins.

Anyway my point is just that the protein part is important because that’s the part that people need to change their diet for. Everything else people wouldn’t really have any issues going vegan.

Most studies I’ve seen on the subject could just as well explain the longer life span of a vegan diet by the fact that vegans are more careful about what they eat and tend to be more health conscious in general. It’s extremely hard to actually associate a longer lifespan with just a particular choice of diet because there are a lot more factors than just diet that impacts this.

Of course it matters, the protein part is the main thing keeping a lot of people not vegan.

No, if you’re struggling to load 4.2 mb of text the issue is not electron.

That’s not how this works, GPUs are fast because the kind of work they do is embarrassingly parallel and they have hundreds of cores. Loading a json file is not something that can be trivially parallelized. Also, zed use the gpu for rendering, not reading files.

Yes a strict 80 character limit would be bad but that’s why modern formatters aren’t strict and default to 90-100.

I’ve pretty much never seen code that would have been more readable had the lines been longer than that.

My main argument is still that shorter lines are more readable. I just think it’s a bullshit argument to say that long lines are fine because large monitors exists. I don’t see how that makes me crazy.

How does it make code neater? All it does is add a ton of empty vertical space. It makes files arbitrarily longer at essentially no benefit.

How are browser not that already? What’s missing?

They are an open standard and used to make many thousands of apps.

I have a massive ultrawide and I still 100% believe in line limits. Long lines are harder to read in general but even with a limit of 100 I frequently have 3 files opened next to each other and I can’t read entire lines easily. Line limits just aren’t about the size of the monitor and I can’t believe people still say that.

Performance is always about doing as much as possible with as little as possible. Making a game runs faster automatically makes it more efficient because the only way it can run faster is by doing less work. It’s just that whenever you can run faster it means the game has more room for other things.

On the subject of dom manipulation from wasm I highly recommend this video https://youtu.be/4KtotxNAwME. It’s from leptos author, one of the more popular wasm framework. The TLDR is that modifying the dom isn’t the bottleneck for wasm.

You can absolutely modify the dom, you just need to go through a thin js glue layer between the dom and wasm

The video is essentially saying the exact opposite of what you are saying. It’s showing leptos to be much faster than react and I know primeagen doesn’t think rust is harder develop.