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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 23, 2023


I’m not buying it. We have billions of dollars at stake right now and are risking it for the maybe, possibly chance of producing domestic EVs someday. But our track record at things like emerging technology has been pretty poor, as seen by the Ottawa silicon-valley attempt and nanotech throw a lot of money down the drain accomplishing nothing.

Gee, the LPC can’t get any traction west of Thunder Bay, I wonder why…

And how much of that is built or sourced in Canada? Thats what we would be trying to protect when we do this. And to my knowledge, its negligible. What we’re doing is appeasing the US at the cost of agricultural exports, exactly as we did when we arrested the Huawei exec that they had conveniently let across the border in order to create strife.

Yah, and now we have China looking to restrict canola imports in retribution, something of actual value to the Canadian economy, unlike our non-existent EV industry. There will be massive costs to agriculture from this stupidity, and it’s all for image points, not anything useful.

For reference sake, agriculture contributed $42 billion to Canada’s GDP in 2023. I can’t find any numbers for EV because I suspect it doesn’t exist.

Wow, a government body composed of former and future employees of the regulated industry protects and shelters said industry.

This is my surprised face.

I’d try it in docker instead of podman just to exclude that as an issue. Piped is a bit… janky.

And make sure your DNS is working from inside the container. It’ll show a frontend and even video titles, but not thumbnails and won’t play things without a perfectly working DNS.

I’m a farmer that was an IT guy a decade or so ago, which I guess is a background in it, but that’s not why I do it. Self-hosting is a self-reliance thing. I like to fix my own equipment, metal and silicon.

When it comes apart, I want to know the reason, and I like to invent new ways to do things, which means I have to be able to control my infrastructure.

“YOLO” - more than 1 merge comment I’ve seen.

That sounds extremely painful to manage and prone to error if you aren’t using containers.

It’s almost like Alberta isn’t the unlivable shithole the rest of Lemmy thinks it is and makes sure to say every fucking time it’s mentioned.

God, tell me about it. My mother watches Fox and gets her opinions of US politics from there with predictable results, and she’s even infected my dad with the idiocy, and he’s just a sweet guy that’s getting radicalized by that bullshit.

It’s scary to watch, I can’t imagine how people deal with this constant propaganda in the actual US.

Don’t forget the 100% tariff on Chinese solar panels that’s been around for years, because we have so much choice for locally made solar panels.

What fucking bullshit. So we end up paying for them to ship them via SE Asia, get a COO certificate, and then ship to us, usually via the US. Damn near doubles the cost anyway.

“But everyone has to do their part for climate change”. Fucking hypocrites.

Can we recover the previous 3 years worth from George Weston? I’ll take it back in pieces of skin.

Apparently that’s a song.

They must have a pile of money backing them because they’ve been punching up for a while now. First Circle K and now 7-11?

MariaDB CLI about once in a blue moon when I have to clear some table that’s gotten borked.

We pay the most we can bear for goods and services.

Apparently you stopped at the first period.

So the user I’m replying to said they pay the most they can bear for goods and services. But any additional costs are going to be passed along, inevitably, so those goods and services are going to cost more.

What part of that depicts my opinion of what railway workers should or shouldn’t make?

You decide what my opinion is and then attack. How does that work out for you IRL?

Every cent of that will be passed on the to the consumer. So your goods and services will get more expensive.

If they’d have put the pandemic profiteers like Weston up against a wall, inflation would have stopped the next day. It was looting in the middle of a disaster and deserved the same treatment looters get.

I never thought I’d see the day where people were confused by how to use a TV without the smart features.

I thought you meant for a declarative OS like Nix. Which does not have a GUI configurator, nor does any comparable declarative OS. Isn’t that what we’ve been talking about this entire thread?

I think your “proper graphical configurator” is doing some heavy lifting there. Of course, there’s no such thing right now, so you’re dealing with the coding yourself in a pretty oddly designed syntactical language, and the terrible official documentation that is the current state of affairs to do it with.

Other than that, sure, a declaritive and atomic OS would be the way to go.

Can you sudo dmesg | grep microcode and see if you have any errors?

If so, I’d be inclined to sudo dnf reinstall microcode_ctl then do a sudo dracut -f to regenerate the initramfs, and reboot. Be sure to have a working fallback kernel like LTS installed so you can recover if need be.

Edit: I just read you changed to Ubuntu. I can’t be arsed to figure out how Ubuntu does this stuff so that’s on you to figure out. Alternatively, install Arch and use intel-ucode package.

No end of interesting shit you can do in Nix, at one point I had zfs and ipfs entries in one of my configs. I got away from it all before flakes started to get popular.

I tried it as a docker host; the declarative formatting drove me around the bend. I get a fair bit of disaster proofing on my docker host with git and webhooks, besides using Proxmox/ZFS to host it all and back it up.

Maybe homelab stuff that you mess with a lot and need to revert or stand up a multitude? I tried it for self-hosted apps and frankly a docker host is way easier. JB guys were pushing it for Nextcloud and it was a nightmare compared to the Docker AIO. I guess you could stand it up as a docker host OS, but I just use Debian, it’s pretty much bulletproof and again, less hassle.

I went through a NixOS phase, and for a user that isn’t trying to maintain a dev environment, it’s a bloody lot of hassle.

I’m all behind immutable distros even though I don’t particularly have the need for them, but declaritive OSs are kinda niche.

Factors Group of Nutritional Companies Inc. is apparently the source, supposedly out of Vancouver.


It was pretty terrible back then. It was the same in BC though, as I spent a fair bit of time there too. A few years into AB privatization, there was a huge discrepancy between the two provinces. BC caught up but they also moved somewhat to a privatized model, so I guess maybe that could be taken into account.

But you would never find a “craft” beer in the ALCB, even though there were small brewers making good stuff. But they had no real way to sell it. There was a specific store in Edmonton where there were a few non-mass market beers available, but it was really spotty for supply.

For a while there, you could buy hard liquors in BC for a better price than AB, things like Drambuie, but I think they eventually lowered the backroom price on spirits and that brought it more in line.

Absolutely more choice, because I was there for the ALCB days and it was pathetic. As soon as privatization came about, there was a massive increase in available choices.

As for prices, most booze I’ve bought out of province are more expensive that at home.

I calls them as I sees them. Downvote away.

Site that doesn’t allow news links loses status as source of news.

You don’t say.

I doubt they know. This is where you have to learn basic troubleshooting steps, and get comfortable with taking things apart. Even things like appliances won’t tell you how to fix them, they’ll just get a parts diagram on the inside of the panel and it’s on you to figure it out. I find stuff made in Europe will often have at least a parts diagram where you can get replacements. You aren’t getting that from some Chinese manufacturer, so keep that in mind when you buy stuff. I would bet you if it were a deLonghi dehumidifier, you’d have something you could use to order parts.

At the other end, I have 10,000 page diagnostic and repair manuals with flowcharts and checklists for my JD combine to figure out specific error codes or symptoms. In between is things like Chilton manuals for vehicles, but things have to be something other than cheap disposable trash before you get actual help.

Jeez, Kevin Bacon back there just won’t get into the game.

This is a common fisheries management practice, as well as other types of conservation.

We have a Swiss guy at the farm for a tourist work stay but would like to continue on for a few more months if we could pay him. I haven’t had much luck finding out how to sponsor him and it supposedly takes a long time to get a work visa if you’re already in the country. Any advice? Alberta BTW.

With the shipping they charge, it's almost 50% extra on the cost of the order. In comparison, I shipped US$9500 of solar batteries across the border last month and paid $170 to a reputable broker that actually had to do some work. What unmitigated scumbags.