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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


I find a blog is something I won’t self host since my homelab is mostly a dev environment and with that it isn’t super available.

However I do recommend github pages and use some jekyll theme.

Other than that, you can always self host Hugo or Ghost, although when I tried that I always found I ran into issues.

I tried on 3 widely separated occasions and still found issues so maybe it’s a problem with me or my environment.

Either way, people seem to mention those two so I’d recommend them if you want to selfhost, if not, github pages.

Yeah makes complete sense, cheers I’ll check that link out!

That makes sense!

I’ve never really looked into running fibre into my house.

But when I worked in a DC I laid a lot of fibre so we didn’t really think too deeply on what to use except for distance and bandwidth, unless the network team had a specific reason.

Good to know!

I have fibre to my house but only 1G so no point switching just yet.

What made you go with single mode over multimode?

I assume distance, just wondering how big your house is haha.