I’ve used Ubooquity on and off for this. It has some nice features, but isn’t open source.
There are sites like this (https://www.whatismyip.net/tools/torrent-ip-checker/index.php?hash=1b0ed881214381f342f844fd640a3f495c6be898) that let you download a torrent. When you run the torrent in the client the site tells you the IP of your torrent client. Based on that info you can tell if it’s running through the VPN or not.
I personally think Keras has a nice and intuitive high level API for getting into nueral networks, but Pytorch is definitely the most prominent library. If your going to start somewhere you’re not going to regret learning Pytorch.
That being said, as others have mentioned, if you want to be a good data scientist or ML practioner learning the basics is never a bad idea. Sklearn is still the best library for a lot of ML tasks and is good to be familiar with.
There are a couple of good books out there that start off with the basics using numpy, pandas, Sklearn and build up to nueral networks/deep learning. I’ve use this one in the past https://www.amazon.com/Machine-Learning-PyTorch-Scikit-Learn-learning/dp/1801819319.
The download feature is always in some state of broken, but it has gotten a lot better over the past couple of years. If you haven’t tried it in a year or so, you may have better luck now.