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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 19, 2023


The trick is for those other AIs to reserve a few bucks, so they can repeat the process but this time cash out early. Keep repeating until everybody wins.

Just ask the AI how to turn $1 into $100M with high frequency trading!

Unit test dummy data is full of it. Need an arbitrary date? Pick a special birthday. Location? Wherever you first met.

Not the most public dedication, but perhaps more impactful than yet another song about the one that got away.

As an industry, we like to think of ourselves as supremely rational, but we can’t apply even the most basic scientific principles. So much conventional wisdom has never actually been tested or proven, so we keep reinventing and flip flopping on best practices.

So much. When I’m trusted to find the right balance of productivity and quality, I enjoy the work more. When I enjoy the work, I’m more productive and write better code. It’s a positive feedback loop.

Programming typefaces with ligatures are a step in this direction.

I would try this in something like Haskell, where some of the more exotic character sequences get tricky to recognise.

Unison might be the best language to test this in. Having identifiers separate from the actual definitions, you can call anything whatever you want.

It’s unfortunate timing. I’m going to give it an overdue glowing review. And hint that a lemmy conversion would be well received.

I got an app update just yesterday that cleaned up visuals a bit. Either they are sticking it out, or wanted to push some stuff out of the pipeline to finish on a high.