• 23 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 17, 2023


I prefer dots over spaces.

Spaces can mess with stuff, double space…

Talking about being a pirate in the high seas.

Torrents and 3rd party sites, and such.

edit: removed direct link to video, timesout

Thanks for pointing this out!

Wow, really great murals!

Reminds me of the Los Angeles murals, not sure if they exist still…

Alt. site: https://inflact.com/profiles/instagram-viewer/ Username: jorit

Direct link times out :(

cross-posted from: https://lemmus.org/post/1242124 > >Assange, 52, has been in London's high-security Belmarsh prison since 2019 and is wanted in the United States over the release of confidential U.S. military records and diplomatic cables in 2010. > > >"Assange is a symbol of free speech which is essential for any genuine democracy," Raggi, who ran Rome's city hall between 2016 and 2021, told Reuters. > > >"He has been deprived of his own liberty for years, in awful conditions, for doing his job as a journalist," she said. > > >Other Italian cities have taken similar steps. The northern city of Reggio Emilia granted Assange citizenship last month, while Naples is set to follow shortly.


The picture was shared on other social media sites, I did not see it mentioned in Lemmy or similar.

Yes, looks like an excuse.

News on nuclear weapons has been increasing.

I have also seen mentions of Putin talking about leaving nuclear treaty before, I am not sure if it was speculation or credible sources.

cross-posted from: https://lemmus.org/post/1216504 > >?Edit: Replaced article with Bloomberg article found on the subject > > old aritcle: https://www.newsweek.com/nuclear-weapons-test-nevada-russia-green-light-1836394

I’ve been lucky or my extensions/network have kept me from seeing any notices.

Alphabet (Google) through yt does block IP, refresh or change fixes it.

cross-posted from: https://lemmus.org/post/1165004 > Edit2: added link to direct article, removed duplicate link > > WaybBackMachine article: > > https://web.archive.org/web/20231015162755/https://apnews.com/article/france-israel-palestinians-war-protests-banned-5626bafec480b32226dcb97d0c92a553 > > --- > > >Fighting in the Middle East in the past has led to tensions in France, which is estimated to have the world’s third-largest Jewish population after Israel and the U.S., and the largest Muslim population in Western Europe. > > >The French government has reported 24 arrests for more than 100 antisemitic acts in France since Hamas attacked Israel on Saturday, including verbal abuse, people caught with knives near Jewish schools and synagogues and a drone equipped with a camera spotted over a Jewish cultural center. More than 2,000 cases of antisemitic speech have been reported to an online watchdog force. > > >It said pro-Palestinian demonstrations should be banned and those who defy bans should be arrested, ‘’because they are susceptible to disrupt public order.’’ > > >Pro-Palestinian associations decried the move. The National Collective for a Fair and Lasting Peace between Palestinians and Israelis said it ‘’denounces this threat to freedom of expression,’’ and pledged to continue holding actions to support the Palestinian people. > > >Denouncing Hamas as a terrorist group, Macron called for peace efforts that would ensure both Israel’s security and a Palestinian state. > > --- > > The Hill, Rising video mentions article > > >Journalist Glenn Greenwald weighs in on a meeting to discuss peace in Middle East was barred from happening by Germany amid the Israel-Hamas war. > > Glenn Greenwald on Rising: HYPOCRITES Exploiting Israel Conflict To Justify CENSORSHIP > > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMWdpffVIxo

I have not seen any gov’t response as of yet, only social media and news sources.

edit: added article on airforce test on nuclear missles

Alternative video:

Russia’s Shakes West With Next-Gen Nuclear Missile Amid Putin’s Big Nuke Warning | Watch


Air Force tests nuclear-capable long-range missile [09/06/23]


cross-posted from: https://lemmus.org/post/1022137 > Video on subject, by Hindustan Times: > > Russia's Shakes West With Next-Gen Nuclear Missile Amid Putin's Big Nuke Warning | Watch > > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_TL1nyk0Kc > > --- > > >“We conducted the last successful test of the Burevestnik nuclear-powered global-range cruise missile,” he said without elaborating. His statement was the first announcement of a successful test of the Burevestnik, which translates as “Storm Petrel.” It was first mentioned by Putin in 2018. > > >Many observers have remained skeptical, arguing such a weapon could be difficult to handle and pose an environmental threat. The U.S. and the Soviet Union worked on nuclear-powered rocket engines during the Cold War, but they eventually shelved the projects, considering them too hazardous. > > >The Burevestnik reportedly suffered an explosion in August 2019 during tests at a Russian navy range on the White Sea, killing five nuclear engineers and two servicemen and resulting in a brief spike in radioactivity that fueled fears in a nearby city. > > >Russia has reportedly used the Arctic Novaya Zemlya archipelago where the Soviet Union last tested a nuclear weapon to build facilities for testing the Burevestnik. > > >In the speech, Putin noted the United States has signed but not ratified the 1996 Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban, while Russia has signed and ratified it. He argued that Russia could “mirror the stand taken by the U.S.” > > >Putin’s statement comes amid widespread concerns that Russia could move to resume nuclear tests to try to discourage the West from continuing to offer military support to Ukraine after the Kremlin sent troops into the country. Many Russian hawks have spoken in favor of resuming the tests. > > >One of them, Sergei Karaganov, a top Russian foreign affairs expert who advises Putin’s Security Council, has argued that Moscow should ramp up its nuclear threats to “break the will of the West” or even launch a limited nuclear strike on NATO allies in Europe if the West fails to stop supporting Ukraine. > > >“There is no situation in which anything would threaten Russian statehood and the existence of the Russian state,” he said. “I think that no person of sober mind and clear memory could have an idea to use nuclear weapons against Russia.” >


These people are known on social media and other publications.

Maximillian Alvarez - Editor-in-Chief

Chris Hedges


Our commitment to Baltimore

While TRNN relies on the internet to distribute our content globally, we are also a place-based institution with a responsibility to serve Baltimore, the city we call home.

We know that the struggles that the people in this majority-minority city face (unequitable access to resources like education, clean air, and transportation, for example) are the same struggles people face all over the globe.

Our local coverage helps keep our friends and neighbors abreast of what’s going on in our city, but we also hope these stories will resonate with people united in the struggle everywhere.

Additional articles on France and Niger:

France to pull troops out of Niger following coup


Niger coup: Macron says France to withdraw troops and ambassador


France to Withdraw Troops From Niger After Military Coup


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/5666147 > The new military rulers had been demanding the exit of the French ambassador and troops after President Macron refused to recognise the coup. > > French President Emmanuel Macron says his country will withdraw its ambassador and troops from Niger in the wake of the July coup that overthrew democratically-elected President Mohamed Bazoum. > > “France has decided to withdraw its ambassador. In the next hours our ambassador and several diplomats will return to France,” Macron said in a televised interview on Sunday.

How is that a counterpoint, all of the MSM and general public agrees with you.

Piped video link not working.

Alt. Link for video:

Russell Brand’s CENSORSHIP Campaign Should Frighten You: Max Blumenthal


Piped video link not working.

Alt. Link for video:

Russell Brand’s CENSORSHIP Campaign Should Frighten You: Max Blumenthal


It has become harder and harder to find good yters or people in general, due to how algorithm of social media and search engines are being used to push for views and profit.

I think most people that have checkmarks will.

Especially, the people in social media/politics that talk about the elite/wealthy class.


We just need to look at Iraq to see all the harm and damge done

Yeah, long term damages of war, instead of forcing a peace deal so the working class won’t die for the wealthy classes games.

Someone needs to be the bigger person bring leaders together to talk, I heard China tried, at least.

cross-posted from: https://lemmus.org/post/610146 > >The source told The New Arab's Arabic-language sister site Al-Araby Al-Jadeed that he had seen weaponry including Black Hawk and Apache helicopters present during a recent visit to the Ain al-Asad base in western Iraq by Iraqi military officials. > > >"This is contrary to the agreement concluded in 2021, which allowed the presence of defensive weapons with the advisory task force." > > >The US and Iraq agreed in 2021 that all US combat troops would leave the country by the end of that year, and that the US role in Iraq would be limited to a training and advisory one. Some 2,500 US troops remain in Iraq for this purpose, according to Washington. > > >Eastern Syria has seen a surge in violence in recent weeks, with the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) clashing with Arab tribes in the area. > > >The US has long backed the SDF, leading an international coalition that partnered with local forces including the SDF to fight the Islamic State group that swept through and seized through swathes of northern and eastern Syria in 2014. > > >Mahdi Taqi, a member of the Iraqi parliamentary committee on security and defence, told Al-Araby Al-Jadeed that official Iraqi reports had on multiple occasions found that bases hosting US and other foreign troops contain offensive weapons.

cross-posted from: https://lemmus.org/post/587773 > Edit: antiwar article, quotes for both articles > > >The rounds, which could help destroy Russian tanks, are part of a new military aid package for Ukraine set to be unveiled in the next week. The munitions can be fired from U.S. Abrams tanks that, according to a person familiar with the matter, are expected be delivered to Ukraine in the coming weeks. > > >Although Britain sent depleted uranium munitions to Ukraine earlier this year, this would be the first U.S. shipment of the ammunition and will likely stir controversy. It follows an earlier decision by the Biden administration to provide cluster munitions to Ukraine, despite concerns over the dangers such weapons pose to civilians. > > >The United States used depleted uranium munitions in massive quantities in the 1990 and 2003 Gulf Wars and the NATO bombing of former Yugoslavia in 1999. > > >Still, the radioactive material could add to Ukraine's massive post-war clean-up challenge. Parts of the country are already strewn with unexploded ordnance from cluster bombs and other munitions and hundreds of thousands of anti-personnel mines. > > https://news.antiwar.com/2023/09/03/us-to-arm-ukraine-with-toxic-depleted-uranium-ammunition/ > > >But at this point in the war, the administration has shown it’s not concerned about damaging Ukraine’s environment. In July, the US started arming Ukraine with cluster bombs, which spread small submunitions over large areas. Unexploded submunitions, or bomblets, can be found by civilians years or decades after use. Because of their history of killing civilians, cluster munitions have been banned by over 100 countries.

cross-posted from: https://lemmus.org/post/556548 > cross-posted from: https://lemmus.org/post/556545 > > > US Announces $345 Million in Unprecedented Military Aid for Taiwan > > > > https://news.antiwar.com/2023/07/30/us-announces-345-million-in-unprecedented-military-aid-for-taiwan/ > > > > US OKs First-Ever Foreign Military Financing Arms Package for Taiwan > > > > https://news.antiwar.com/2023/08/30/us-oks-first-ever-foreign-military-financing-arms-package-for-taiwan/ > > > > > > >“This severely violates the one-China principle and the stipulations of the three China-U.S. joint communiques,” ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin told reporters in Beijing on Thursday. “China deplores and firmly opposes it.” > > > > >In explaining the change, two U.S. officials said: “The United States has provided Foreign Military Sales (FMS) to Taiwan for years. FMF simply enables eligible partner nations to purchase U.S. defense articles, services, and training through either FMS or, for a limited number of countries, through the foreign military financing of direct commercial contracts (FMF/DCC) program.” The officials were not authorized to comment publicly and did so on condition of anonymity. > > > > >“In the face of increasingly aggressive People’s Republic of China military actions in the (Taiwan) Strait, the United States must move quickly to provide support for Taiwan’s defense,” said Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez of New Jersey, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

edit: format

edit2: Proton 2019

edit3: more proton info 2019

edit4: Private Internet Access 2019

Anyone know more?

A lot of people use EVPN, they should know:

Fuck… Proton is out also.

Tesonet Data Mining Company Linked to NordVPN, Protonmail, ProtonVPN



Private Internet Access also out


**Edit: replaced with Aljazeera article, a known news source** YT Video on subject: [Western Hegemony FALLING APART, BRICS Now Controls 40% WORLD'S GDP & DE-DOLLARIZING](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xBOAnDWe0I) >The group encompassing five major emerging economies – China, Brazil, South Africa, Russia and India – which makes decisions by consensus, agreed on “the guiding principles, standards, criteria and procedures of the BRICS expansion process”, during the three-day annual summit held in Johannesburg this week, Ramaphosa said on Thursday. >Expansion was pushed heavily by Russia and China, analysts said, as they are facing pushback from Western nations in the form of sanctions. >“What [BRICS is] trying to achieve in a way is being opened up for more discussion,” Danny Bradlow, a professor with the Centre for the Advancement of Scholarship at the University of Pretoria, told Al Jazeera ahead of the summit. “As long as it was just the five countries, they were talking about the reform of global economic governance or global governance generally … But they haven’t done very much about that. **Old Article: https://libertarianinstitute.org/news/brics-set-to-open-doors-to-new-members-eyes-creating-new-currency/** >BRICS – named for its five members: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – is an economic forum, not a military alliance. >As Washington has increasingly used its influence over the world economy to exclude countries that disobey the White House’s demands, BRICS has emerged as a potential alternative to a global economic system based on the dollar. “If we expand BRICS to account for a similar portion of world GDP as the G7, then our collective voice in the world will grow stronger,” a Chinese official told the Financial Times in the runup to the summit. >Without naming Washington, Chinese President Xi Jinping took aim at the White House for attempting to use the dollar-based system to crush developing nations. “Some country, obsessed with maintaining its hegemony, has gone out of its way to cripple the emerging markets and developing countries,” the Chinese leader said. “Whoever is developing fast becomes its target of containment. Whoever is catching up, becomes its target of obstructions.” *Kyle Anzalone is news editor of the Libertarian Institute, opinion editor of Antiwar.com and co-host of Conflicts of Interest with Will Porter and Connor Freeman.***___**

I think it is in the similar way where we and the people idolize politicians. We don’t see it until it is way too late.

Yes, dumpster fire, but that is why the CEO’s “deserve” the big bucks.

Would be even better if LMG become a Co-op where the workers own part of the company…

Would be huge news in the tech world for a know youtuber to be forced by the workers to unionize or become a co-op.

It is crazy that Madison held on to all that for 2 years!

I hope a real independent party looks into all the accusations, while also having the local labor dept. and the like involved in audits. While also looking into other employee complaints.

We shall see what comes of the final investagations, it may take years…

I don’t think they will end.

I do hope to LMG to unionize as a minimum and that the CEO does a lot of changes in the culture of the company.

Awesome to hear that they are doing something aside from the PR politician like sorry video.

This would be a great time for the LMG employee to have a vote to unionize!

You have a point, it always comes back.

Thank for your input!

Save Right Whale Coalition Sickened Over Government Response to Deaths of Whales in NY, NJ
Rising with the Hill Talking with Michael Shellenberger, journalist and founder of Public Documentary film, Thrown To The Wind https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iZYkWtARR5k https://nypost.com/2023/07/24/fishermen-activists-protest-offshore-wind-farms-near-montauk/

Fears UK’s cashless society will leave more than just the vulnerable behind
Additional Articles: https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/will-banks-new-limits-force-us-to-go-cashless/ar-AA1fcbMv https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/personalfinance/is-cash-going-away-cards-making-cashless-life-the-norm-but-some-wont-give-it-up/ar-AA1eZZ2L https://www.msn.com/en-ca/money/topstories/why-a-bank-of-canada-digital-loonie-would-struggle-to-gain-acceptance/ar-AA1fgePT https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12391503/Change-org-petition-launched-stop-Australia-cashless-society-banks-restrict-customer-access-cash.html

It is a start, but yes, it seems like it is.

Ever wonder what main function it will grow up to be used in?

Thoughts on Yanis’ view on crypto technology? Do you agree or disagree?
> Should we say farewell to the dollar, the euro and all national currencies? Is crypto the future of money? Join our fierce battle between former Greek finance minister and maverick anti-bitcoin economist Yanis Varoufakis and blockchain developer Viktor Tábori, and find out yourself.

Ukraine orders evacuation of northeastern city of Kupyansk as Russia claims advances
>“Over the past 24 hours, Russians massively shelled settlements of Bohodukhiv, Kharkiv, Chuhuiv, Izium and Kupyansk districts with guided aerial bombs and other weapons,” said Oleh Syniehubov, head of the Kharkiv regional military administration.

Moon rocket blasts off, carrying Russia’s hope of first successful lunar landing since 1976
>The Luna-25 mission will seek to land near the south pole of the moon, collecting geological samples from the area, and sending back data for signs of water or its building blocks, which could raise the possibility of a future human colony on the moon.

Niger coup: Fact-checking misinformation spreading online
>**Niger military not detaining foreigners** >As some European countries began evacuating their citizens following the coup, an unfounded claim started circulating that the junta had ordered the army to detain Europeans. >It alleged this was done to get Western countries to withdraw their forces from Niger. >The claim seems to be based on a call by the M62 movement, which is a pro-junta and anti-French group, for European nationals to be held hostage until foreign forces leave. >The group, however, does not represent the junta.

What is your EDC (Every Day Carry) for pirating? You can be as specific or as general as you want. For me, a newb, it is my GP6a.mostly have YMusic (download music/vids) and Tachiyomi(download manga/comics). What is your EDC for pirating and teach us your ways! Thank you for coming to my TED Talk...