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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 25, 2023


This would just incentivize malicious compliance. “here’s a list of books we own. To purchase, send a letter to this address with a cheque and wait 30 to 60 days”.

Some of the block list maintainer do accept donations, if I recall.

Do you hate everything you don’t understand?

That’s what retros are supposed to be for. To discuss how to improve the process.

In the end it comes down to the size of the team/company.

I might… Have mixed multiple thread. I’m sorry

Exactly. Shit happens, and we might need to adapt and even scrap a whole sprint plan. But that’s super rare, or it should be. But changing the Roadmap after each sprint is just something that happens.

Either way, none of that warrants random calls at all times from colleagues.

It’s not a label im making up. Toxic here is a synonym for unhealthy. If someone keeps calling you, interrupting you, micromanaging you, disrespecting your working hours or your focus times, that’s an unhealthy relationship.

Stacy is entitled to regular details, sure. That’s why we have tickets, and daylies and retros. She’s not entitled to asking multiple times day if you’re done yet.

I work above senior, have done management and tech lead. I’ve seen toxic workplaces, and I’ve seen good ones. I recognize the need for all the agile rituals. But that still doesn’t entitle people to call all the time and interrupt you.

It’s not about corps vs startups. It’s about having processes, good communication, dialogue, empathy. And it’s also your manager’s job to protect the team from externals that keep interrupting and making adhoc requests. If you don’t feel safe in ignoring calls and replying with “I’m busy now, schedule smth today please”, I consider that a highly toxic workplace.

I’ve worked in places where QA we people with no coding knowledge who just clicked around looking for bugs, as well as places where QA never did that, only automated tests. And then there are places that believe hiring QA is useless, because “everyone should do QA”.

Gotcha. I mean, all software engineers should do some QA engineering, but we have QA engineers who are the experts and “QA coaches”.

Sorry, I’m not native English. What would be the difference?

In my company QA is dedicated to manual and automated tests. I haven’t met many QA engineers who could effectively review any of my code.

Yes. But I don’t really count testing as part of code review.

QA and Code reviews do different jobs. Manual and automated testing will not notice your code is shit, so long as all test cases pass.

We’ve been seeing this tech for 10+ years slowly progressing to the point of commercialization, and finally the release of foldable phones and curves displays.

You can be against Israel’s actions while also being against Islam and middle east’s treatment of LGBT folks.

I mean, you’re not hired to “code”, you’re hired to do software engineering. That usually means working with other people. Reviewing code is a win win situation because both get a second pair of eyes on their code and prevent each other from committing dumb shit that you might have to fix later.

I feel like these memes of hating everything other than lone coding is because you keep working for toxic companies. Ffs you’re programmers, it’s probably super easy to get another job. It doesn’t have to be like this.

People call you directly without asking? Ignore them ffs.

You can say the same about many so called “recognizer nations” in Africa. Just because some white dude drew a line and called it a country, doesn’t make it a correct line. The people of Gaza and Palestine exist and are a Nation.

DDG and others don’t really hide the fact that the results come from Bing. People really underestimate how hard it is to make a search engine.

If you need to run a bunch of services locally manually, then you’re doing it wrong

If you don’t have a staging environment for doing integration testing of your feature in a non dev environment, you have a poor dev workflow. I never said I don’t test locally. And even then, I don’t want to run a huge monolith in my local environment if I don’t work with 90% of it.

And the dev experience IMO is much better. I don’t have to deploy a huge ass service to test a tiny feature.

Also their careers grow faster and steadier even in a recession, changing jobs is easier and comes with a significant pay raise each time, and they mostly don’t have to deal with costumers.

Floating point error. You owed 0.0000004 but with interest now you owe 500. It’s our fault but you still have to pay.

Ugh, I’ll just ask ChatGPT from now on.

oh no, chatGPT is killing our online communities!

Sticker packs are a gateway drug to, well, drugs. Which you can buy on telegram too of course.

The thing is: what people call the Internet is not the infrastructure. It’s the content on the Internet. There’s the technical term “Internet” and there’s the coloquial term. Unfortunately, engineers and scientists suck at naming and explaining things at the level that the general population can understand. So “the Internet” became synonymous with “content on the Internet”, be it Web content, torrents, bbs and what not.

To be fair, the definition is a bit muddier nowadays. Is Lemmy on the Web? I don’t use it via the website. Bulletin boards used to not be part of the Web, as they pre-date the Web. But nowadays everything is HTTP. There’s so little non-web left, and the vast majority of users never use it, that the Internet is only used for accessing the Web.

Most people are indeed technically not savvy and don’t understand why they would need more than WhatsApp and Instagram on their phone.

That’s so short sided. Signal is useless if all your contacts only use WhatsApp.

As I said, not all programing languages are general purpose. Just because there are problems it can’t solve does not mean it’s not a programming language.

For all intents and purposes, a markup document is a script that outputs a document. There’s no point in saying the HTML isn’t a programming language. Not all languages have to be general purpose.