• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 09, 2023

Pirated copy of Photoshop getting shut down on its own?
I haven't used Photoshop in my Windows machine for a while. I only used it to do occasional stuff to my photos that simple photo editors cannot do. When I opened the app, I was greeted with a banner and a dialogue box stating "this Adobe app is non-genuine and will be disabled soon". (Both were written in Japanese though the original app's language is set to English. I think it has something to do with my VPN.) I couldn't figure what the buttons said but one seems to redirect me to an Adobe subscription page and the other simply closes the app. I don't have experience pirating stuff like this. I got help from another friend long ago in downloading the whole suite of Adobe products from what I think is a Russian source. I am pretty sure they told me to set up firewall restrictions for the app as well, and I haven't touched the installer or anything similar since then. I don't know if there is something I can do about this or if I should download an 'updated version' of the app from some other source.

Wait, is an old laptop also good enough for setting up a home server? I thought you would require a completely separated and dedicated PC box like the ones you can see in studios or offices. That’s new to me!

That is a great analogy of explaining the broadness of the concept of self hosting that I wasnt able to understand from the other comments.

As a beginner, I would like to start out with a storage provider like Google Drive (& Google Photos). I currently don’t have any hardware for a home server but I can get one as per my requirements.

The biggest issue for me would be the OS running in the home server. I would preferably want something compatible with Windows since I have worked with Windows for my whole life. I am also fine with working with Linux, however I don’t want to spend weeks banging my head on setting up and using Linux before I even start configuring it for my home server. I will be able to handle learning about networkings of the server on the go and troubleshoot problems as long as the OS does not bother me. As with self hosting, I am a beginner in the field of Linux so I don’t know what ‘distro’ would be best for me for this purpose, but nonetheless I will research more about it thanks to your headstart.

Where to find guide on self hosting for a complete beginner?
I am completely new to the realm of self hosting. I don't know a single thing about how I can self host stuff. Regardless, I have the curiousity to learn it by myself but I don't know where to start. I cannot find any sort of wiki or FAQ articles, nor do I have the ability to ask the forum for every single problem or doubt I encounter during the setup. Can someone direct me to a beginner friendly site that teaches all there is about self hosting and all the questions and misconceptions that come with it? Additionally, is a self hosted server only accessible inside my home? What about accessing the services outside, like Bitwarden or Nextcloud apps that require syncing and availability of data wherever I am? If it is useless outside, there would be no point for me personally to self host in the first place since I am perfectly fine with using cloud services for now and the convenience that comes with it. Plus, no one else in my family cares about self hosting and I don't wish to spend the effort to convince them to in vain, so setting up a server for convenience of everyone at home is also out of the question.