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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


Separate the hate from the reasonable, and this petition might not seem so ass backwards.

They’re adding a few reasonable sounding points to their argument to make the whole thing sound like a rational proposal.

"We’re not tasked with building deeply affordable or social housing.

Maybe you should be, you greedy fucking parasites

I do think he deserves an earful.

Maybe, but not because some CPC mouthpiece claims he does.

And many of the loudest complaints seem to ignore that the Prime Minister isn’t some all powerful dictator who singlehandedly controls everything.

Manufacturers: we’ll build more, even bigger SUVs and trucks!!

Hospital workers shouldn’t be under the influence of any private companies, foreign or domestic.

It’s just another “thin end of the wedge” of privatization sneaking towards our public healthcare system.

It’s been a while since I’ve heard anything about queen dildo.

I was hoping she and her band of sardine fuelled idiots had fizzled out into obscurity.

Or put another way, Canadian citizens have a portion of their university fees subsidized by the various levels of government that those same citizens (and their familes) pay taxes to.

Foreign students (and their families) have not contributed to that tax base, therefore aren’t eligible to benefit from it and have to pay the full cost themselves.

The dealership wasn’t able to answer like 80% of my questions

In my experience, the dealerships are not very interested in selling EVs. They actively discouraged me from even test driving the model they had on the lot, the last time I needed to buy a replacement vehicle.

no access to a charger at their home (primarily condo dwellers, since

Harder still for appartment renters. And there’s more of those than there are condo owners.

I was of the understanding that the seasonality we had observed was somewhat influenced by people’s activity patterns. In the colder months people tend to spend more time concentrated indoors with other people (allowing communicable diseases to spread easier), compared to people being more spread out and more often outdoors in the warmer months.


And actual new batteries, not 10 year old “new old stock” batteries that only last a week in use.

Until transit becomes reasonable to use (outside of the 5 biggest cities) cars aren’t going anywhere, no matter how much we might want a less car-centric society.

Having an increasing percentage of cars be less bad is a worthy interim step, while at the same time trying to improve the practicality of other means of getting to where you need to go.

If that happened, I sincerely hope there is proof, and that it’s on its way to a capable prosecutor.

Preferably before November.

Most that I’ve found have been on the ground near bus stops.

Ontario couldn’t afford the last 2 terms of Doug Ford, yet somehow, here we are

the miscellaneous intermediation sector, which includes venture capital companies and investment banks, as well as the real estate sector

For the curious. It’s buried halfway down the article.

Why is it the tenant’s problem when these “businesspeople” made bad business decisions?

Nobody owes you protection from the consequences of your own actions.

It can only help the Cons.

To the detriment of the entire country.

Not that I’m especially a fan of the liberals, but Polierve’s conservatives promise to be much worse than anything Trudeau and the liberals have done.

Fossil fuel companies have been doing this since the rise of coal as a commercially available fuel.

Uuuhm what do you think Canada was doing in Afghanistan or Libya or Iraq.

Not expecting conscripts to go there.

A couple if those candidates have been noticed in school board elections locally in Manitoba. Most of them lost by a signifigant margin after people realized what they were trying.

One that did win got suspended almost immediately after being a complete shit disturber

What do you mean “backgrounds”? And what are the letters indicating?

Your answer, from the source: https://ground.news/rating-system#

Still a 8h driving day will require more charging time than gas refill time,

Sure. Nobody disputes that.

But it’s a very small percentage of the population who drives like that.

And for much of the rest of the people, an EV can be a viable option.

They don’t want to replace them entirely. But just maybe move funding to services

That’s the “defund the police” people, who are typically very differently from the “ACAB” people.

The noise alone isn’t what he got arrested for.

There has been a cost of living crisis/housing crisis which allows bad faith actors to push the narrative that it’s specific out groups are to blame instead of government policy of allowing the rich to loot the country.

And even then, most other developed countries are having similar issues in the years post-covid (and the disruptions that accompanied it).

So we should make policy based on what people believe rather than on what’s objectively true?

Calling it Trudeau’s policy is just another lie from Rogan.

Those hate speech laws have been on the books for a lot longer than Trudeau has been involved in politics.

Policing is, and always has been reactive. And that’s how it is intended to be, by design.

Complaining that it’s not preventing crime isn’t really helpful, since that’s not what it’s supposed to do.

If you want prevention, you need to look elsewhere.


That said, the things that do actually prevent crime have been studied for centuries and are well known.

The problem is none of those are cheap quick fixes, and when governments change every 4 years, those programs tend get cut for ideological reasons, and arent given the time to become deeply effective.

That’s the cool thing about complaining about “the woke”, the people who use that word as an insult are never able to define what the word actually means.

Poilievre won’t commit to NATO 2% target

While at the same time complaining that Trudeau won’t achieve that same target.

I’ve voted NDP many times over the years.

But when they run a non-viable seat filler in my riding, voting ABC becomes the pragmatic choice.

When money becomes the only goal, society will be harmed.

That’s true in every part of society, not only the media.

“Some of them are investors who now just want to walk away from their units because they can’t afford it,”

Quite honestly, fuck them.

Houses shouldn’t be primarily thought of as an investment. A house shouldn’t be an investment in any way for someone who isn’t actually living there.

And for the person who does live there, the investment value of their home should be a much lower priority than the house’s value as a place to live.

I’ve been a teenage boy before and I did some bone-headed things


I would be surprised if anyone with the same history didnt do at least a few completely boneheaded things at one point in their youth.

Then once you have crypto in a wallet on peertube, it has to be deposited into the CEX - that is if the CEX has that particular cryptocurrency. Should it not, then a DEX is required, which means more steps.

That’s one of the pain points with Odysee.

The crypto that they pay out with is not directly able to be converted to fiat . You have to go through an intermediary crypto coin first, then convert to something you can buy food with.

Rocky Mountain employers in Alberta see major boost in temporary foreign worker approvals
The trend isn't confined to the Bow Valley or even to Alberta. The federal government has temporarily eased limits on how many temporary foreign workers a business can hire in low-wage positions, and employers across Canada have increasingly made use of the program.