knightly the Sneptaur
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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 05, 2023


Ah, “Explaining”. There’s your problem.

Lets have a checklist with supporting documentation, please~

Haha, no worries! I get more confusion about the other furry named knightly anyway. XD

I’m doing okay! Hope you’re having as good a time as possible under the current circumstances. =D

An artist preparing a brush to paint with is not doing art, they’re doing engineering to make art tools.

They employ those art tools to make art, but the tools themselves are works of engineering, not art.

That isn’t to say that art tools cannot be art, such as source code that’s formatted like poetry or ASCII images, but that’s a very different sort of design work than the development of base functions.

Randomly generated content is usually a bad idea on public-facing websites. Generating and displaying it automatically means you only get to inspect the results after the fact, so you’re relying on the image generator to never produce something unacceptable.

Having a DB of prepared images means you can pick through and remove all the unacceptable ones before they have a chance to be displayed.

Sure you can, you just need a sufficiently diverse database of images at which to point your random number generator. No generation necessary, just aggregate human artistic output.

I am autistic. I actually hate that my brain is forcing me to reply to this drivel.

I am also autistic, but I enjoy a good argument and will never pass up the chance to complain when people put generated images on my screen. There’s more real art out there in the world to see than could be seen in a lifetime, so why should anyone waste time with computer-generated approximations of art?

Anyway, this is a stupid argument. Even if it’s not as an mp3, it’s like a movie, what-the-fuck-ever.

We are comparing apples to oranges here, but the fact remains that serving existing content will always be cheaper than serving content one has to generate first.

I stand corrected.

Guess it’s time to put on the ol’ software criticism hat.

Edit: This is just BOINC but without the scientific justification. I love the idea of decentralized computing but building it to run one’s plagirism laundromats on other people’s computers is such a waste.

It’s not a choice between AI art and commissioned art, it’s a choice between AI generated images and nothing at all because that was the point of his project.

That’s a false dichotomy. If there’s no budget to commission new art then ideally the space should have been used to promote artists via their existing work.

I don’t like seeing visual art automated.

I don’t care?

If you didn’t, then you wouldn’t be in this thread defending your creative choices. You could have ignored me like a person who doesn’t care would do.

Most high-end graphic cards actually use close to 100W when not in demanding workloads. Mine certainly does.

As per Tom’s Hardware, the average high-end card comes in somewhere north of 250W. But even if we half the total power estimate again we’re still talking about an eigth of a watt-hour, or 50,000 times more than a 4mb download, per image.

You said double that.

I revised my estimate while you were replying.

Most people’s PCs idle at 200-W300W as a total. And even if 400W was the total PC usage, as I said, my PC is already on.

My PC idles at about 75W, and tops out just shy of 600W with all cores, cards, and drives running.

You don’t seem to have posted the source code, so the final result is all we have to judge.

Hate to break it to you, but programming is creative

I do automation for a living, I’m well aware that computer engineering can be a creative process, but it is not an artistic one.

I don’t like making visual art manually.

I don’t like seeing visual art automated.

Where the fuck are you getting these number mate?

I don’t know what’s in your computer, but some high-end graphics cards can pull more than 300W at full load all on their own. 400W total power output seems a pretty conservative estimate to me.

You could have displayed someone’s already existing art and credited them with a link to their social profile, though.

No, because that’s boring and not creative.

You do realize you’re stating that in defense of generic, machine-generated imagery, right?

I didn’t advertise Stable Diffusion. I posted about a cool new automation I developed.

If it was just “cool new automation” we wouldn’t be having this discussion.

I wouldn’t and can’t pay artists to make banners for a random community.

You could have displayed someone’s already existing art and credited them with a link to their social profile, though.

Ergo I’m not taking anything away.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”

Likewise someone who can’t pay for media, is not stealing money from the artists mouths

Again, the marginal cost of distribution approaches zero, but the cost of production does not. Artists should be paid to do work, not for restricting access to work they have already done.

the point is being creative myself!

Then do that instead.

I assure you, the cost of reproducing downloading a single mp3 greater than the cost to generate a single image

The average image generator burns between 10 and 30 watt-hours per image. Downloading 4mb from a server costs about 0.000026 watt-hours. (Sources: )

the potential waste of such an action is not a concern.

Sure seems like it is a concern since the energy usage of datacenters is expected to double in the next year and a half.

So? I also use a PC with components developed by AMD,Nvidia and half a dozen other corporatiosn. I live in a house developed by corporations. I eat food developed by corporations.

And if you posted about those here in the piracy sub you’d get the same complaints.

People here who care about art don’t want to see it replaced with generative genericness any more than they want it locked up behind a corporate paywall. Media pirates should be giving artists exposure, distribution, and donations, not reasons to switch careers.

My random banners don’t stop anyone from opportunities to practice their art.

Exactly, you never intended to commission an artist because you think so-called “AI art” is good enough to replace them.

Do you also go and complain about copyright violations?

Of course not, the marginal cost of duplicating an existing digital work is trivial. The cost of producing work is not, which is why freelance artists work on commission.

your comment “waste” is below trivial. Just like my genAI images.

If the images are so trivial then why spend so much effort defending them?

You clearly care about this, just not enough to pay an artist for custom work or even to copy something an artist already created.

My computer is far more wasteful in a single session of video gaming. Or are you railing against those too?

Again, of course not. You’re a person and not a machine designed to replace paid work with a generic plagirism laundromat.

Electricity spent to provide humans with a comfortable working environment isn’t wasted. Electricity spent to deprive an artist of the opportunity to practice their craft absolutely is.

The better question is why else you would publish this.

Why did the old banner need replacement? Why not just replace it instead of setting up a bot to waste resources on a painfully generic new banner every day? Why not make it a community effort rather than a soulless corporate one?

Facebook implements things […] for their own profit and empowerements at the cost of the whole society.

The same could be said for the electricity you wasted because you didn’t want to make your own banner.

Practically, if a website I use implements features that I don’t want to see, then I am effected. I quit Facebook for similar reasons 15 years ago.

I have problems with so-called “AI” image generators at every level. Economic, ecological, functional, artistic, and moral.

Do you want an essay or just the bullet points?

This is the kind of wasteful BS that will make me unsubscribe from a whole instance.

I’m here for piracy news, not bad art. Who is this supposed to appeal to?

Do you think everyone is entitled to found a country and start conquering the inhabited territories outside their borders or would you be satisfied with a secular one-state solution that grants freedom of movement and religion to both diasporas?

Anybody that’s unwilling to give material aid for a genocide would be a good start.

I don’t live in a swing state so it’s not clear how my vote could be relevant.

If he realized that, he’d have pushed the DNC to start promoting a better candidate two years ago.

The DNC chose to elect Trump in 2024 when they pulled their shenanigans against Bernie in 2018. They squandered 2020 on a minimum-viable candidate and now that re-election has come due they’re lashing out at everyone except their own sycophants.

Rent a seedbox in a friendly jurisdiction. Use it to torrent, download your media to local storage, watch at your leisure even if the internet is out. Fuck streaming.

I’m not familiar with that seedbox provider, but unless you have a virtual private or dedicated server then you’re limited to the applications the host has made available.

If you do have a private node with root access, then you’ll be able to install whatever you like. Generally, these are limited to a command-line interface, in which case you’ll need something like soulseek-cli, but higher-tier hosting packages often support remote desktop which would allow you to log in and install the graphical version of the app as normal.

No problem! I’ve used this trick to run non-game Windows apps on the Steam Deck too, though support can vary wildly.

As an alternative, you might also check Lutris, which employs user scripts for installing and running Windows software in Linux. You can even add them to Steam so they’ll work in the Steam Deck’s gaming mode: