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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


I’ve heard people say you should start a new game. Which I did. But I think you’d be ok to jump in if you wanted. There’s a new neighborhood that it mostly takes place in. To start it, you have to complete some main game story mission about 3/4 of the way in, if I remember correctly.

If you’re really enjoying yourself I’d considering picking up Phantom Liberty as well. I played through the main game shortly after it came out on PS5. I was very ‘meh’ about it. But I recently picked up Phantom Liberty and started a whole new game, I probably doubled my play time, and still spent 4-5 hours after I’d finished all the story missions, just bumming around bc I was still so enamored of it. The story missions in Phantom Liberty are, in my opinion, better, bigger, and more emotional than the main game.

This is a shame. But I’m honestly surprised London Studio lasted this long. I loved Blood & Truth, but I’m surprised that they were sustained on Sing Star games for two decades. I mean, I know from a corp perspective they want to buy up people to stifle competition and then they don’t need the people because they never intended to utilize the output. But like, gosh, use what you’ve got. How bad could their fantasy London game have been for them to not only axe it but shut down the dev…

Alba is a really sweet game with a photography mechanic. It’s short and usually cheap and well worth the time you’ll spend with it if it sends like something you’d like.

It’s grim. Obviously twitter still holds sway over a lot of people. And spreading malinformed propaganda is bad.

But it really underlines that anyone with any conscience whatsoever needs to disengage from it. It’s not okay for governments to engage with it. And though I don’t suggest that capital cares has any sort of conscience, but engaging with it has been increasing in cost and decreasing in benefit. NPR recently left, for example, and saw nearly no impact whatsoever. So the cost of leaving is low.

Ideally people would deny it any money, advertising or otherwise, until it ceases functioning. I suspect Musk will continue to be a delusional asshole for years to come. But at least twitter will be dead and gone.

I’ve been waiting for years. Before RDR2 came out. But you’re absolutely right. Waiting for a couple months and I’m confident we’ll see a real sale. The whole reissue/not remaster game is not playing out the way they’d hoped. Remember the GTA Master collection or whatever the hell they call it?

I really like Back for Blood. They still haven’t fixed getting mobbed by specials. And it’s not high art. And it’s not a forever game like Overwatch or Destiny. But it’s fun and a good game to hangout with people in, without having to worry about too much strategy.

From a product side, I think most meta users who are looking for microblogging are happy enough with Twitter. So I think it will be tough to get a lot of initial buy-in.

In regards to the embrace, extend, extinguish concerns: I can’t, off the top of my head, think of any feature adds that would outweigh fediverse peoples distaste for ads or corporate social media. I mean, are flashy ai filters enough to split the user base of a reddit-alike or twitter clones? Is anyone clamoring for vr group-chats to improve their link-sharing threaded convos.

I’m not saying there’s nothing to worry about, but I think the feature-poor nature of these types of services (that really aren’t significantly different than old bbses) insulates at least those corners of the fediverse to some extent.

Plus, feature-creep is something people usually hate, or are uninterested in with big social media before this all started to pop off? Remember Foursquare check-ins, deals, credits, crypto, live audio…