• 2 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: May 30, 2021


Briar, for communication during internet blackouts or when there is no connectivity at all.

You’re asking excellent and very relevant questions.

OP, take heed.

Tell meore about the obsidian plugin, dusbt know of it.

Out of curiosity, have you tries logseq or silverbullet.md? They both have capabilities to query your notes similar to Notion.

I’ve had this challenge with structuring notes-data for a while, but haven’t found something that suits my workflow yet. I have on my list to experiment with a sqlite solution.

I settled on obsidian with the built in sync. The data is as clean as it gets - its very agnostic to the editor as long as it adheres to the markdown standard (plus flavors). I’m aware that I’m creating a dependency on obsidians workflow and plugins, but the cost of switching is very low considering how I use my knowledge base (I could in work case scenario work with my files with standard Unix tools).

You are free to choose whatever tool that works for you, personally I don’t want my notes to be held hostage by a single vendor.

The closest to Anytype is logseq, but silver bullet.md is also awesome. And if you choose another markdown editor, you could use rsync/git/syncthing to synchronize your files.

When it comes to note applications, there is no shortage of them. Just make a informed decision that will serve you well in the long term.

I tried anytype during the alpha, but I understood early on that the data is crippled during export, and the self host node is very cumbersome to set up. Also, I had a gut feeling that it could turn into a enshittified product.

For my usecase, I could achieve my note taking needs by other more established, libre and less complex means.

You can export your data, but its like exporting your onenote data in PDFs. Your notes will lose the built in functionality and relations.

I went with freshRSS and was happy to have a SH alternative, but the UI is abhorrent. Even with ReadYou as a 3rd party app the sync of what was read and not was janky. I went with miniflux and couldn’t be happier. The again, my requirements are very basic.

I recently made a move from FreshRSS to miniflux, and it has a so much more cohesive UI. And its much snappier.

Highly recommend it.

The meal planner feature have been a godsend for our household.

Perfect timing since endlesssh isn’t actively developed anymore.

Can you share a guide / tutorial on how to accomplish what OP wants (or just get started with Prometheus)? I was in the same boat as OP and settled for netdata, and eventually gave up on monitoring altogether because it was either overwhelming me with data, too cumbersome to set up or had features behind paid plans.

Sorry for the off topic question, but what are the gains / constraints of using an identity / authentication service? Sure, you only are going to need to remember one password/identity. But each webapp must have support for the said protocol, and so does their clients, no? It does seem like a lot of work (and risk exposure) for little gain.

Please enlighten me if I’m missing something.

Is there a decent tutorial on how to get it up and running on standard services such as systemd events, fail2ban etc? There is no quick start guide on their site.

Welcome to the cult!

We all started as beginners, but before you start, take my advice and avoid hosting anything open to the internet until you’ve gained more experience in OS/network hardening and risk assessment.

First off, I think you’re starting on a good footing. Having TCP/IP knowlege is good, but you don’t need it from the beginning - it will be relevant once you get into network segmentation and setting up reverse proxies.

I’d say the first thing is to actually choose a rather simple (but useful) application that you can host on Docker and get some experience from OCI-containers and disaster recovery. A lemmy instance (even non federated) might be too much to begin with. Have you considered paperless-ngx, fresh-rss or even syncthing instead? Or begin with formulating what problem you want solved in your daily life.

I’d say, start by watching this video series to gain a better understanding of Docker (I’ve so far assumed that you won’t do baremetal installs, right?!??). There’s also a pretty good online-lab for you to play around in. Remember, you’ll propably realise that your first deployments could be better, and keep yourself mentally prepared to redo and rebuild eventually.

Feel free to message me if you want guidance going forward!

Me neither, but I’d love to hear those arguments.

I like 3-2-1-1-0 better. Like yours, but:

  • the additional 1 is for “offline” (so you have one offsite and offline backup copy).
  • 0 for zero errors. Backups must be tested and verified.

Thanks for the elaborate answer!

Out of curiousity, how would nohup make your situation different? As I understand, nohup makes it possible to keep terminal applications running even when the terminal session has ended.

This looks really slick! I don’t use ansible though, can I still benefit from running it?

Edit: just realized that your project has a larger scope than this, but still awesome to see how you solved the homepage feature.

A folder with links in your firefox profile works wonders for a single user case, but if you have other people using your applications (and they change from time to time), then a dashboard like this can be quite useful.

Appriciation post - envlinks: ultraminimalist homepage / dashboard
I've seen a lot of posts for a lot of different homepage for selfhosters: homepage, homer, homarr (which has an 700 MB image!). I was after something lightweight, simple and easy to configure and get up and running without all the frills and flashy features. And I found a hidden geml in [envlinks](https://github.com/maxhollmann/envlinks/) - a really simple dashboard that is supersimple to configure (just env-variables in the compose file) and still customisable enough for my needs. Hope it will satisfy the need of other minimalists out there :-)

Cool, thanks for this! As a user of Caddy through Docker, I suppose I need to find a way to build a docker image to be able to do this?

Sometimes new simple technologies makes things simple - but only as long as one intends to follow how they are used… 🙃

If you do, please consider supporting webhooks or ntfy. Look forward to test this!

I went with Ubuntu server and was pleasantly surprised when it offered to pull my pubkey off my github profile for ssh. A nice touch that I haven’t seen in other servers flavors of various distros.

Thanks for the offer! I might take you up on that :-) If you have a Matrix handle and hang out in certain rooms, please DM me and I’ll harass reach out to you there.

How do you like crowdsec? I’ve used it on a tiny VPS (2 vcpu / 1 GB RAM) and it hogs my poor machine. I also found it to have a bit of learning curve, compared to fail2ban (which is much simpler, but dosen’t play well with Caddy by default).

Would be happy to see your Caddy / Crowdsec configuration.

I see everyone else have already chimed in on whats so great about Caddy (because it is!), one thing that has been a thorn in my side though is the lack of integration of fail2ban since Caddy has moved on from the old common log format and moved on to more modern log formats. So if you want to use a IPS/IDS, you’ll have to either find a creative hack to make it work with fail2ban or rely on more modern (and resource heavier) solutions such as crowdsec.

This is what I use too, but with a disposable phone number and email.

Holy crap! I have a n100 SFF that consumes 5-6 w idle (with WiFi on) and I have an old i5 (gen 6 I think) that consumes 30 at idle. Your rig is defiantly not meant to act as a server (unless you want to mine bitcoons or run boinc…)

All kinds of stuff. I use it when I need a way to structure my data:

  • I use it to keep track of software / libs that are of interest, what they are an alternative to. See example here: https://ibb.co/ncsdt0W
  • I’ve also tried to recreate the functionality of a personal relational management (a la MonicaHQ, or per this post: https://medium.com/@rklau/my-homegrown-personal-crm-87dffbcf54d7) but found it to be an overengineered solution.
  • I also used it to interact and store data through my python apps, to avoid dealing with it directly in python.
  • You can also use it as a Kanban board
  • Also, I’ve been trying to use it as an excel replacement - which is an overengineered solution but you get impeccable dataquality.

Nocodb is a bit wonky, but it is quite easy to work with (front- and backend) and since everything is in the database format you choose - you’re in control of how you want your data.

I’ve been using it for a while without any noticeable problems. What issues did you run into?

How do you monitor your servers / VPS:es?
Hello selfhosters. We all have bare-metal servres, VPS:es, containers and other things running. Some of them may be exposed openly to the internet, which is populated by autonomous malicious actors, and some may reside on a closed-off network since they contain sensitive data. And there is a lot of solutions to monitor your servers, since none of us want our resources to be part of a botnet, or mine bitcoins for APTs, or simply have confidential data fall into the wrong hands. Some of the tools I've looked at for this task are check_mk, netmonitor, monit: all of there monitor metrics such as CPU, RAM and network activity. Other tools such as Snort or Falco are designed to particularly detect suspicious activity. And there also are solutions that are hobbled together, like fail2ban actions together with pushover to get notified of intrusion attempts. So my question to you is - how do you monitor your servers and with what tools? I need some inspiration to know what tooling to settle on to be able that detect unwanted external activity on my resources.

Like you said, “it depends” 😁

I have a huge datablob that I mirror off-site once monthly. I have a few services that provides things for my family, I take a backup of them nightly (and run a “backup-restoration” scenario every six months). For my desktop, none at all - but I have my most critical data synched / documented so they can be restored to a functional state.

I really look forward to spin this up tomorrow. Awesome release as always!

I second obsidian. I was on the verge to jump onto logseq, but found its way of handling notes to be… different. I also felt a dislike of anytype where I don’t really have control over my notes. Obsidian clicked with me from the start and felt right. So I went with it, even though it’s not FOSS (which is usually a hard requirement from me).

But this is by design, snap containers aren’t allowed to read data outside of their confinements. Same goes for flatpak and OCI-containers.

I don’t use snap myself, but it does have its uses. Bashing it just because it’s popular to hate on snap won’t yield a healthy discussion on how it could be improved.