• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 03, 2023


The biggest polluters just pass the cost onto their customers by raising prices.

Lemmings of Alberta, how’s your weather tonight?
Raining like crazy here in Grande Prairie. I'm waiting for the flood pictures to hit facebook.

It would suck, psychologically, to “lose” 30% of my house’s value

I won’t mind paying less in property tax and insurance costs.

This is what I did when I had to refurb a laptop. Swap the drives, reinstall the OS, snd hand it all to the user. All your files are on this usb drive.

Thats when you find out who understands folder structure and who doesn’t.

Dozer makes it. It’s good for two things, degreasing engines and killing brain cells.

From what I understand, part of Starbucks thing is catering to people who like burnt and bitter. Kind of like the emo crowd.


ER doctors are leaving because we can no longer do what we trained to do; we can no longer help people — our raison d’être — to the standard they deserve. In short, continual moral injury is breaking your ER doctors.

What kind of work will you be looking for?

As much as Alberta gets a bad rap, Calgary and Edmonton both have rich Ukranian and Asian communities. Depending on what you’re looking for, there are jobs to be had.

I’m actually surprised big hotel hasn’t tried to have air bnb outlawed.

I’m not even sure which monster to root for there.

Is indigenous frowned upon too? I don’t want to be rude, but I can’t keep up.

I cant wait for the Texas style blackouts after they cut us off from the rest of the country.

How does that work when you get a mugshot taken? Can you ask for an 8x10 and some wallet size? Or do you give them an email address and they send you a link?

“Romaine … also ruled the infringements that did occur were “amply and demonstrably justified” under the Charter because of the nature of the unprecedented public health emergency.”

This is the important part. Just because they are getting off on a technicality does not mean they did the right thing. I wonder how many are dead due to their arrogance.

Or install an app called Metal.

It’s a wrapper for the mobile webpage with all the intrusive permissions disabled by default.

I dont want news on facebook. I signed up for facebook to keep up with friends, not corporations.

I’ve never been one for brand lockin. I did the same journey OP doing. Here’s what I want; and here’s everything on gsm arena that comes close. The lgv5g simply blew the rest out the water and because it was discontinued I got it for a quarter of the price. This was two years ago when 5G was just starting to hit towers in my area, so 5G phones besides Apple and Samsung were slim pickings. Getting something with an sd card, headphone jack, USB c port, wifi6, and waterproof all in one box? End of discussion. I’m tempted to grab another for when this one dies.

It’s still getting updates and when that stops I’ll use a custom ROM if I can.

Knock knock, open up the door, it’s a subpoena
Trademark infringement means a judge wants to see ya!

X gonna serve it to ya

I’d you can find one, the LG Velvet 5G is solid bang for the buck, especially at clearance prices.

Except that Meta (Facebook) has already trademarked X as pertains to social media.

Great, except Meta (Facebook) already trademarked X as pertains to social media.

This is what I don’t like about Teams on my android phone. There is no “Mark Read” button on the notification. It’s either reply or like or open the app.

Didn’t the BC gov try this with Alberta Costcos? They wanted Costco to hand over credit card receipts so they could charge PST on stuff purchased out of province.

I don’t know what 196 is and at this point I’m too afraid to ask.