
  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


I selfhost PhotoPrism.

I use a folder sync app, to upload all my pictures from my phone to a directory on my server, which PhotoPrism imports from every 15 mins(Might be a bit more or less).

I have used it for a couple of years and it has worked fine for me.

After hosting my own instance with just me for ca. 2 weeks:

1.99Gi pictrs

5.21Gi postgres

The internal path, I’m persisting is /mnt, but I also use an older version of pictrs(0.3.1). Think the newer version uses a different path.

I also needed to add the following for the pictrs container to work correctly.

    runAsUser: 991
    runAsGroup: 991
    fsGroup: 991

For container orchestration, which is mostly what k8s provides, then you could use docker swarm or nomad. You could use docker-compose with multiple replicas of the wanted container + a load balancer to divide the load.

In general I don’t think k8s/k3s is needed for hosting lemmy yet, but since I have a setup for k3s, it is easier for me to use it.

I have only 1 container of pictrs running(with no scaling) and are using longhorn for storage, so if the pictrs container switches node, then longhorn handles it for me.

You can definitely have high availibillity without kubernetes, but its easier(For me atleast) with kubernetes.

My instance has 2 users. The domain name is endlesstalk.org

I host it on a k3s cluster with 2 nodes.

How to delete a person via Lemmy’s api?
I have tried using the [PurgePerson](https://join-lemmy.org/api/interfaces/PurgePerson.html) endpoint with the specified auth and id, via the lemmy-js-client. I'm an admin of my instance, so should have the required access. I have also tried sending the same request via Postman, but it returned 404 Not Found.