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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Mar 03, 2023


For the last 4 years I go back to Minecraft at the beginning of the year with a friend so I’m excited for this year’s play through in 2-3 months

I recently started playing Divinity Original Sin 2, and I went through this problem as well until I changed the way I approached the game.

I just let go of trying to make the most optimized decisions and instead just make the decision I, or my character would make (if I’m role playing).

I just realized that no matter what decision I make, it will still lead me to finish the game. If I really want to, later I can go back and play it again to see more of the game. Only if I like my first play-through though.

Yeah same. I was thinking about Vampire survivors so I think we’re on the same page. I should have said DLCs instead of micro transactions

Not only that, but it slows down discussion and more niche/focused topics are often missed

Katana Zero and Hotline Miami are also great games

I hope for a world where fun and optimization are prioritized over length and graphics

Tbh I think that in the world, games would be cheaper and micro-transactions would be seen in a better light. I think people don’t mind supporting a developer who makes an actually good title

Kinda unrelated, but retirement homes will be way better in the future than they are right now. Imagine all the VR equipment, video game consoles, and PCs. With the right neighbors, it could be like a LAN party all the time

Battlebit? I have it on Steam, but I haven’t had time to get to it so I’m not 100% sure what it’s like. I heard it’s lack of greed is the main reason it got so popular.

CSGO is also kinda like this but it has the gambling features

This might not be what you’re looking for, but Real VR Fishing is a really nice looking game and really relaxing. I have made some open lobbies and some of the chillest people join and we just talk until one of us has to log off

There is also a web browser in the game and I just watch youtube or listen to music while playing. It is really fun and relaxing after a long day

Maybe a city building game?

Bloons isn’t too involved but it can get intense

What about games like kona, abzu, firewatch, a short hike, etc. A lot of exploring

Oh wow that’s a bold statement. Personally i think the PS3 is better than the PS2 though. The move to online and HD graphics (for the average consumer) was huge. I know it had been a thing for a while, but that’s when it became mainstream

How come you’re such a big fan of the PS5? Is the game selection as good as the PS2?