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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 27, 2023


Here in Sri Lanka I’m paying ~20 USD for FTTH 100 Mbps. Monthly bandwidth is limited to 155 GB lol.

I’m currently using Authelia, but would like to see what Authentik provides. The last time I tried it, I remember circling through multiple sections in the web app to add authentication and bypass certain endpoints.

Also, it was considerably heavy compared to Authelia. Still, I would like to give it a chance again to see what I’m missing.

**EDIT:** found the culprit. It was cloudflare's Brotli compression. Everything's working fine now after disabling it. For those who are wondering, it's under _Speed>optimization>content-optimization_ in the CF dashboard. *** Hi, For those who are using FIlestash, I am trying to configure Filestash behind a subdomain with caddy, but I keep getting stuck at the [nyan cat loading screen](https://i.ibb.co/ctnfG7m/image.png). I can access the app via IP:port without any problem so I am guessing the problem lies in the reverse proxy configuration. I've tried changing the hostname to my domain in the app (settings>general), tried adding various header directives to the Caddyfile to no avail. **Filestash container logs output:** filestash | 2023/08/14 12:04:18 SYST INFO Filestash v0.5 starting filestash | 2023/08/14 12:04:18 SYST INFO [http] starting ... filestash | 2023/08/14 12:04:19 SYST INFO [http] listening on :8334 filestash | 2023/08/14 12:04:25 HTTP 200 GET 0.2ms /admin/setup filestash | 2023/08/14 12:04:26 HTTP 401 GET 0.1ms /api/session filestash | 2023/08/14 12:04:26 HTTP 200 GET 0.7ms /api/config **Caddyfile** stash.mydomain.com { reverse_proxy filestash:8334 { } } **docker-compose.yml** version: '2' services: app: container_name: filestash image: machines/filestash restart: always environment: - APPLICATION_URL=https://stash.mydomain.com networks: default: external: name: caddy Any help would be appreciated.

How is it compared to freshness?

PS: I miss oldfart IYKWIM

Looks awesome! How do you use tdarr? Does it transcode all media picked up by sonarr/radarr?