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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 19, 2023


They wanted Iran to retaliate to force the US to get involved directly.

I hate when equipment looks different depending on the gender using it. Why did those pants becone a skirt? Why did this armor suddenly lose 90% of its plating? Where did the heels come from?

At least the girl armor thing has receded considerably in recent times, so that’s nice.

Preface: the things I’ll mention have, for the most part, improved a lot in more recent games.

I default to women nowadays in almost every game I play. A lot of it is because back when I was a kid male characters were basically hulking hairy ogres with your choices of hairstyles being short, spiked punk and bald. For example: one of my favorite games from my youth is KOTOR, and the male faces are incredibly forgetful. It’s all white guy, white guy with a scar, white blond guy and so on. And that doesn’t appeal to me in anyway. On the other hand women got many different options for hairstyles and faces that were cute, which is something I like to be able to be in games. Granted there are a ton of games where the women were just eye candy, and yet that was still more interesting than generic white guy #555.

There’s something very appealing to me in being able to be a cute girl that still kicks ass in the same way as any buff guy in that world.

Guess it’s not only Typescript that likes to argue with the developer while missing the entire point…

Javascript will subsume all other languages by then. Humanity won’t even know that others existed, or even what it is. It’ll just be called Script, the way you tell computers what to do when the AI doesn’t understand your prompts correctly.

The only language people don’t shit on are the ones nobody uses.

Theres a dozen of you keeping banking around the world from falling apart lol

When you are used to math equations, it’s easy to slip into that habit.

I’m glad this community exists. I’m a very lazy pirate so having all this info in a easy to find list is great. Thanks everyone!

It would probably be way easier than expected to do so in javascript. It would also be awful.

I know this is just a rant but consider this: if your company reverted back to traditional methods, how much of this would be fixed?