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Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Feb 13, 2024


He couldn’t do it under Harper as housing minister

Last server I hosted wasseveral years ago, forget what version, and I had set that option for the 3 people that couldn’t purchase at that time. They eventually did purchase clients and I went no cracks allowed.

Thank you

I am prolly woefully out of date, but there was an option in the java server config to allow or disallow cracked clients. Please let me know if I am out of date so I can forget this info

It is a program I have used to make bad tutorials and bad compilations (I have no skill hehe). It was a suggestion and maybe after doing this they may go deeper into video editing/making, or not. Like I said I barely make use of all its power, op will decide what they will do

Davinci resolve will allow you to do what you wish, just don’t get intimidated by the interface, and look up the task you want on yt very straight forward and I only use 1/100th of its power

Ohh, good idea. During the pandemic there was a company that could put your face on a mask, they may still, you submit a face pic and they print the appropriate portion on the mask

Didn’t someone attempt to increase the storage of CDs by a similar multi layer tactic, tho not as dense, using different colour lasers to etch each layer? iirc it was just before or just as dvds came out

Mine doesn’t meet 1 req for win 11, I refuse to go into the bios and turn it on

Oh, the memories… but we were paying a slight copyright fee on every blank disk and tape purchased in those days, regardless of use.

I think I’ll try using OBS to capture a video tonight, granted its quality will be tied to the output but it requires no additional hardware. Then edit in DaVinci to get rid of the obvious mistakes i’ll make. I only have a 4070 ti super tho

Well fear not. The bastion of truth, honour, and trustworthiness Pierre will never lie or do anything against the people of Canada, he only wants what is best for us

I am looking to move to linux, again, due to ALL the amazing work Steam is putting into gaming on linux. Much of my flat game library works on the test laptop, my streaming software has linux native install. The 1 issue holding me back at this point is my OG Vive screens not turning on, tho the laptop monitor shows my VR environment. Once I get over that hurdle my days of windows will be almost over.

I remember that scam being top of my yt list for about 4 months. When I saw it was Elon and JT I knew it was a scam as 1) Elon wouldn’t give us access to this advantage and 2) JT is not a grifter like a certain orange individual, this smelled foul from the start. I would also be surprised to see PP in something like this as he and JT both like their cash for access dinners. Now this DOES fall squarely on YT for not vetting their ads and protecting their viewers. What would happen to CBC, CTV, or any other network that aired ads like this? No one who is wealthy is going to help us plebs get to their level, that should be all you need to spot a scam.