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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 01, 2023


It’s good at automating basic things, it can really help be a tool but it’s extremely lacking and while it will lead us to new places, I think it will go hand in hand with how we regulate and evolve alongside it.

Of the original Dark Souls? Vaati’s series is very illuminating but the story itself is mostly told through the item descriptions and NPC interactions.

This summary on the wiki covers the overarching story!

wow, this is actually amazing.

You’d think a rapidly developing service like Lemmy might face restrictions like that due to resources but Twitter? Mismanagement beyond belief.

Your answer is as good as the that headline is bad. this was a very informative and correct analysis of aspartame. kudos

Finished the campaign for D4 over the weekend, still lightly dipping into TOTK, trying not to rush through it.

Waiting for the first season to not burnout on D4, probably in need of picking up another game here soon. Really could go from something like Stardew….

Hopefully this serves as a cautionary tale going forward and dissuades other misinformed people about the purpose of regulations. All loss of life is tragic but hopefully it can serve as a warning.

yeah that’s the most tragic part of the story in my mind. I hope it was quick and painless for his sake.

Stardew is one of the best games i’ve ever played. I come back to it every year or so. It really cemented my wife’s love for gaming permanently.

100% it’s amazing to see what’s happening in some places like Arizona. They talk about water shortages and halting construction to manage water levels. Yet they sell most of the water usage in the state, 70% to agriculture. Including alfa alfa sprouts that are grown to be exported to Saudi Arabia.

ah ha, my clients company will have outages with the servers every couple of months, this one was a lot longer.

Definitely been trying to use the vents consistently. I am looking at getting a free-standing induction burner just to give me some more flexibility.

I have a feeling they’ll find it’s a lot of people getting frustrated haha. I think some of my highest levels of frustration come with digital assistances.

i think you can engage and interact across both so it may not matter as much.

The API issue was a huge nail into the coffin of the user experience at reddit. For sure, mobile site will disappear and then old.reddit.

Everything about this is utterly tone deaf, you can see it in u/spez answer in his AMA about how the company will continue to be profit driven until it’s profitable. Bro, this is not how you talk to your user base. Your actions, policies, and strategic outlook should be toward driving the user experience and your service so that it is profitable. Not degrading all things for grinding down every extra cent at the expense of your entire companies differentiators.

Fuck spez, fuck reddit.