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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 04, 2023


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…but intended for web, but you can also misuse it for apps and system services

if anything goes wrong, you can blame the replacement AI now. so there is still something to hold accountable.

if you use a tiling wm/compositor or extension, big screens aren’t so bad, because it will usually split first in the middle, basically giving you two screens, but with the option to also maximize over the whole area, if needed.

time to learn assembly *cracks knuckles*

I refuse to believe that’s CSS. What is that colon at the end even?

When some of our customers websites had this, it were actually internal problems with the webserver service (nginx) connecting to PHP processes via UNIX sockets. One time it was a permission problem and another time the server was targeted by aggressive crawling and several internal limits prevented enough processes to be available to connect to. So the “gateway” is probably the socket or its connection.

It showed a blue screen when you ejected a CD with the button on the CD drive, while it was reading from the CD. (At the same time, Linux would just disable the button until the CD was not in use aka unmounted)

well yes, but i hit it by accident and it didn’t ask and there wasn’t even a notification. the printer was in another room, so i couldn’t even hear it. (it was at work)

on debian based system PrntScr actually prints stuff you’re looking at in a terminal, if a printer is configured. learned that the hard way, accidentally printing hundreds of pages of html source

Yes, you could, for example, use it to manage who is allowed to park in a garage, anonymously. The owner of a parking spot NFT can unlock the door from the outside. Stuff like that.

However, it’s also possible to do that with a small web application. Just payments and transfer of the parking spots are less free and it’s not decentralized.

It’s just a fad. There’s just a small bit that will stay after the hype is gone. You know, like blockchain, AR, metaverse, NFT and whatever it was before that. In a few years there will be another breakthrough with it and we’ll hear from it again for a short while, but for now it’s just a one trick pony.