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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Someone on the internet hasn’t heard it so that must be wrong then!

Save your saltiness for 9gag, friend. I saw that you specifically wrote that but you also continued using exodus in the first sense, as the one you replied to did. But you just wanted to be snarky to that person I guess.

Mass firing is not an exodus. Exodus is when people are fleeing, and generally in terms of liberation. Firing people is just firing people

You can stop reading when you find the answers to the requested questions.

Eh no not necessarily. This depends on the type of audit and the questions specifically, but should never be a default stance if you want to provide a full report. Moreover, if you are learning to do software audits, it would be beneficial to check everything because experience is key to know what you are looking for

“in this essay” The article you’ve written is not an essay. It is at its top, an opinion article

And as Vodulas points out, they generally serve as a game mechanic. Either you are recreating set guns from history or it’s lower level gun meant to be a bit crappier.

What even is this articles point? Iron sights are crappy? Yeah, we know, that’s why that was improved upon and they barely exist on IRL guns today

“in this essay” The article you’ve written is not an essay. It is at its top, an opinion article

And as Vodulas points out, they generally serve as a game mechanic. Either you are recreating set guns from history or it’s lower level gun meant to be a bit crappier.

What even is this articles point? Iron sights are crappy? Yeah, we know, that’s why that was improved upon and they barely exist on IRL guns today

Echoing bermuda@beehaw.org. “Degenerates”? You mean a games series that pushed the boundaries when it was new, truly pushed what open world meant, and that it could be done with large, crowded cities technically as well. Sure if you play them nowadays the might not brush any strokes and feel flat but the GTA series has been defining a game for generations where “everybody” in that generation had played and been fond of. 1-2-3, San Andreas, and vice city and the ilks. There wasnt really any competitors to that when they were released.

I’m going to guess you are right that it won’t be too innovative. Story wise they have never been innovative, nor pretended to be. They have pushed the boundaries of open world in both engineering and social commentary/satire.

But calling several generations of gamers who grew up with this “degenerates”. Hard to take you seriously and your attitude can eff right off

“Seems like”? Dune 2 is the template which most RTS is derived from. Truly a genre defining game

We get it, you are disappointed. But if you are concerned about saving cash you should’ve probably waited to buy it yourself this close to release.

But it doesn’t objectively suck, it builds on the world, and does so decently. If you liked it before you are probably going to like this DLC.

Its important to understand that:

  • JavaScript is typescript
  • Typescript is JavaScript with types

When you are writing typescript, you are writing JavaScript but have additional syntax to help support type safety and structure. If you are creating a function that does x, it should very much be the same in JS and TS, just in TS it has extra syntax

TS doesn’t modify the way JS works, its one of the stated needs for the tooling.

In TS, for example, I can denote an object as

const x: Record = {}

In JS it would be

const x = {}

It’s still nothing but an object. TS doesn’t change the functionality, it just adds typing and checks that you are using that object properly as static build step.

Typescript doesn’t really remove anything you learn in JavaScript. Like at all. It’s not really a library as such. It adds ways to enhance your JavaScript, with typing, structure, and tooling

Learn JavaScript as much as possible. Every bit you learn will benefit you with typescript

Not a bad comparison but fallout 1-2 are decades ago so quite a jump in graphics and stuff. Huge classic fallout fan, and I enjoyed shadowrun so you might like it

It is, the one that starts with lower case is called camel case. As in camelCase has a “hump”

These hearings and there witnesses doesn’t really seem to cover one event just, but a continuous effort and knowledge from the military to keep it under wraps. Just 3 people with knowledge of talking to people that know about multiple events (sounds legit hrm). One event they have talked about is about an alleged landing with alleged biologics, but they are also referencing other video releases over the past few years from fighter jets

But there are honestly a shit ton of assumptions in this statement. Who says they are traveling themselves? This might just be “scouts” or drones doing basic survey and mapping of the universe and might be automates.

Don’t get me wrong, i beleive this is BS. But assuming they actually want to land, or that they need to, is a bit of a fallacy the we tend to get stuck on

… Is a sentance I never thought I would read in a million years

In general, any data that can be used to tack you, such as IP number that is sent with the request, is identifiable information so an anonymous username is not enough in itself

Nono, you were being clear enough. It is exciting to see what and how Apple will be doing with this, and how they adapt (if the vote goes through).

Its like watching a roast-fight. And one just dropped something that made that crowd go “oooooh”

Most of it is pretty standard. Spoiler tags and a few other addendums is there but all within the flavoured markdown spectrum.

It’s not, it’s a format called markdown. Several apps have support for it already, but it’s not foundational to Lemmy. The UI services just have to render it (it’s just text with characters denoting format)