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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Mar 04, 2024


Usually the most straightforward solution is good enough. And when you want to improve the performance, it’s rarely about time complexity.

I got a Switch. It’s been mostly untouched for years. Most games that aren’t created by Nintendo themselves are available on Steam. I even played Totk on PC using Yuzu.

Difficult to punch coworkers in their face in zoom

Refactoring for the sake of refactoring is rarely a good thing. It should be done with a clear purpose in mind.

Refactoring is often necessary to ensure new features can be continuously added with ease.

Undefined is not part of JSON specification. It’s also not a thing in Java.

Developers tend to think in extremes.

This practice is bad sometimes? Avoid it at all costs!

This practice is good sometimes? Use it all the time without question!

It uses a glitch that’s only possible on Wii Virtual Console as well. All other versions are 1x A press any%.


I think you should give HL2 a chance. It can be enjoyed even without the first game. You have already played the first game a bit, so you know the deal (experiment gone wrong, aliens everywhere). HL2 takes place 20 years after the incident.

There’s fewer annoying platforming sections for instance. The puzzles also involves proper Havok physics, which is easier to manage.

The story is also a step up, with proper named characters. The baddies are also better developed and has a better reason to be the baddies.

HL2 is probably the game I’ve replayed the most. It’s just as amazing every time.

When I played it for the first time almost 20 years ago (gosh!) I expected all games would have this level of immersion onward. It was such a leap forward. Things I normally could expect from the real world applied to HL2 as well.

Oh, there’s roller mines hurtling towards me? Obviously I’m supposed to throw them down the cliff using my gravity gun. No explanation from the game about this. It just felt like I would do the same in the real world.

Is this immersion the future of gaming? I can’t wait to see what the future will bring!

Turns out 20 years later that HL2 was a one of a kind game. Other games might have better graphics and physics, but no game is HL2.

Currently playing Dark Souls 3. Haven’t played it before, so I guess it’s a good time to check it off the list. I guess I’m near the end now.

I’m a bit disappointed by its linearity. It’s way more linear compared to Dark Souls. It’s also pretty easy compared to Elden Ring. I’m just using a base build. Mostly leveling up on strength stat without much thought.

I’m still enjoying the game though.

The suggestions are also deprecated

IntelliJ is great for organizational settings. I would never use it for home use as there are many good free alternatives for that kind of setting.

Most Adobe tools don’t have any good free alternatives even for home use.

So jetbrains is “acceptable” because I don’t need to open my own wallet.

The thing I remember most of my impression playing it was that I constantly had the thought: “that opening village fight was really fun, I wonder when they will pull that off again”, and then they never did. So that expectation left me a bit of a sour taste.

This was maybe 15 years ago. I might have a different impression if I would play it again, but I haven’t done it.

I’m probably in the minority, but I didn’t enjoy RE4 as much as others when I played it. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s a great game. Just not to the standards people hyped it up to.

I think my main issue with it is that it has a masterful opening sequence, but then it never really builds on it after.

First fight in the village was truly ahead of its time. It gives not only the player lots of options, but the enemies have lots of options to counter you. It puts the player into many unpredictable situations. It’s a very dynamic fight and really sets a unique mood for the game.

Then the rest of the game turns more and more into a corridor shooter, especially after the village act. Still a good corridor shooter, but I hoped to see it build more on the open combat we saw in the opening section.

It was a great while ago I played it, but that was the impression I had back then.

I hope the Brutal difficulty update won’t come soon enough, because then I will just play more trying to P-rank everything again.

ULTRAKILL. It has turned into a recent addiction for me. Certainly my favorite action game of all time.

The only reason why xz got exposed was because someone noticed SSH was a bit slower and decided to take it to their own hands to investigate. It’s possible this backdoor would go unnoticed for far longer if the attacker didn’t make this slight oversight.

So it might be that there have been other, successful attacks before. It’s just that this one is the one that got exposed.


It’s just a blog post quoting Reddit comments.

The post is just quoting a “report”, which in turn is just a blog post quoting Reddit comments

Like, duh. How else is email sent? Magic?

If you have never had a segmentation fault, then you have never programmed in C

Toxic communities have existed long before Stack Overflow was a thing.

Either you’re asking a question that’s too basic, which people will respond with “RTFM!!!”, or “Just Google it you moron! It’s literally the first result”.

Or you’re asking a too technically advanced question nobody has a direct answer to. That, or you’re met with “why on earth do you want to do that?”

The sweet spot is hard to find.