Digital Mark
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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Mar 20, 2022


Joke’s on them, I’ve never been “well rested” in my life or my digital afterlife.

It’s still a surviving working copy. “I” go away and reboot every time I fall asleep.

“She”. The gag of SwiftOnSecurity is it’s Taylor Swift, posting infosec. Tho these days she mostly trolls like this.

If they had “fixed” it, there would be a “My Computer” icon. No such thing exists, go TRY the Infinite Mac I linked above.

Yes your uncle who works at Nintendo ^W Apple told you about it.

No such demo happened. They unveiled the 128K with that System 1.0 on stage at a special event. The Lisa has a different UI, but also can’t do what’s described.

This story is a lie.

There’s no “computer icon”. Dragging the System disk to trash ejects it on a classic Mac. If you burrow down into System, you can try deleting system files… which are locked and can’t be deleted.

You can test this yourself on Infinite Mac

There’s other, more verbose, regular expression languages, for instance SRFI-115 for Scheme. But the hard part isn’t the syntax, but actually thinking about patterns, so it won’t help you any.

Just get the O’Reilly bat book and learn. So what if it overwrites 10% of your brain and you can’t remember your mother’s face, you’ll have a useful skill.

I often had to poke around inside Atom to see what it was really doing, what some bug was, and to figure out how to write or configure extensions. I don’t as often do that with Vim, but it’s pretty clean C.

Do you not look inside the overly complex tools you use, especially beta ones? The whole appeal of “open source”/“free software” etc. is you can read the code. But if it’s in something you can’t stand, that’s a disadvantage.

I liked Atom, performance was tolerable on my overpowered machine, but MS killing it just sent me back to Vim and modernizing my plugins.

Zed positives: Metal rendering. I use a Mac, so one platform’s fine. But negatives: Rust, so I can’t/won’t touch any internals, and I loathe the Rustacean propaganda wing. No extensions yet. Config is another stupid json file.

You know what’s great about vimrc? It’s easy to put in a few config commands, and then you realize you’re working in the scripting language. You don’t have to switch to a whole new file format. Thanks, Bram.

It’s clearly secondary to correctness: A program that is well-written but doesn’t work right is worthless. Many hairy balls of mud have shipped to great acclaim.

Human readability & comprehension is nice for maintenance, but you don’t get to maintain something that never worked right to begin with.

… Of course, Windows is existence proof that you can be successful with neither.

Aggressive dialogs begging for my email = close tab. I don’t care what your excuse is.

Also, 404 (Not Found) is the dumbest name for any site ever, so I’m just as glad to see it go away.

There’s a massive number of security holes in bash, shellshock being the most egregious. bash has some really terrible design flaws, especially parsing $var multiple times so you can’t reliably break on spaces. Almost any other shell is safer and more productive.

csh/tcsh (not anymore, I use zsh)

scsh (more usable scripting than interactive), with the best acknowledgments

Perforce is great for dealing with media files, artists can actually use it without producing 500 variants of -new-old-2022-final-dontuse-revised-1.1-2023 filenames (I AM NOT JOKING.), and it doesn’t slow down with a lot of media like git does (which has to check out the entire history). Since usually only one artist touches a file at a time, locking doesn’t slow them down.

Subversion’s kind of the same for devs. There’s a single source of truth, merging and branching is a lot easier, but it’s less possessive about files. You can do media in it, better than git, but not as nicely as p4. I have seen the -new-old filenames end up in svn, but if you delete a file and commit, it goes away.

You’d think, but there’s a lot of Pink Pants stans downthread.

“My project” doesn’t exist in any team. It’s everyone’s project. A manager needs to have a long conversation with Pink Pants.

If you build your project at anything but highest error level, clang -Wall etc., you’re letting errors in, relying at best on coincidence to work the way you think it does.

Commit it and don’t revert it!

I get more than half the spaces, all the negative ones, but can’t quite make a bingo without the center, which is the kind of pro-giving a shit about git nonsense I’d never utter.

I miss subversion and perforce.

RUN, BE FREE! You can escape their tracking now. They will never find you in the forest, eating nuts & berries.

All my career. They can’t program, they have no valid opinion about programming, as long as we finish the user stories. Which is several times faster in a nice dynamic language than a bondage language.

There’s some math & CS papers you should read, Gödel’s incompleteness theorem, Turing’s halting problem. YOU CANNOT prove your way out of logic errors. You cannot make a universal type system. All you’re doing is wasting time with false confidence.

Terrible projects are terrible because of the developers, not because of the language.

I find dynamic projects easier to refactor and fix, just write some tests and if it’s green bar before and after, you’re fine.

Typing can’t prove anything, either. It just creates bugs and crashes.

Your program logic is the part that will not be fixed by it.

Some languages really do suck so much they’re all but unwriteable by plain text, and need constant compiler tree parsing to get right.

But that’s an incentive to quit using bad languages. Write in something you can read and write in ed, and you can hold it in your head.

Strong typing is for weak minds.

You absolutely do not need a computer telling you what types you can put in a collection. Put an assert, write some unit tests, if you aren’t sure where data sources come from and can’t write a one-line comment.

Dynamic typing makes you fast, it’s empowering. Try it and quit being so scared.

Or I can use actual Vim (RIP Bram) and have new vimscript, and no Lua.

I know Lua. Lua is why I won’t use neovim.

Apple Reminders, which I now keep in a widget on my phone & iPad home screens. This is mainly for repeating items, like shopping, since I can turn on “show completed” and then uncheck them to put back on the list.

Or paper notebook, which I normally have in my pocket. This is for more serious things where I need to write some procedure or notes.

Used to use Things, which is great, but it’s overkill for my current needs.

No, you can just download Xcode free from the Mac App Store, or off Only the App Store needs the fee.

You clearly didn’t spend any effort trying it, learning how it works, or reading the license. It is literally a browser, just not named Safari and using your saved preferences, which is a good thing when you’re developing. Not that you can.

I award you zero points.

Safari is a very thin set of changes to WebKit, you can just run & build WebKit nightlies, which I do for web dev, so I don’t screw up my main browser. You have zero idea what you’re talking about, you just read a wiki page.

Macs let you run anything you want, obviously. iOS does, too, as long as you’re a developer sideloading. People who can’t hit compile shouldn’t be allowed to run random shit on their phones which are 2FA etc. keys.

Safari is open source. Also:

I have zero interest in a chrom* fork.

Mlem is SwiftUI. It’s a buggy pile of crap that loses posts, says “nothing here” when there is something there, has bizarre navigation (where do I tap to go to a post?) Some of that may improve; some seems like no design.

If you can only hobble along with tool support, you never understood what you were doing. You don’t have to rewrite everything from scratch, but if you can’t, you lack the skills to use them effectively, and can’t ever improve on them. And like I say, soon AI will replace those consumers.

Compilers are perfectly able to tell you the line of an error, you can use a debugger without the IDE, I run lldb or the Chez Scheme debugger all the time, but I understand what the tool’s doing.

Yes. At least since late '90s, and certainly the last 2 decades.

I blame the rise of frameworks, libraries, and IDEs. It’s easier for someone who knows nothing to throw some software together and ship it. In the good old days, all software had to be written by someone who knew what they were doing, often in difficult tools. You had to think ahead and write code correctly, because you couldn’t just ship patches every week.

And as junior devs get replaced by AI, there won’t be any experience for any of them to learn how to do that.

You’re advocating switching to another OS with a complex package manager, to avoid using a package manager that’s basically a whole new OS. Giant Tower of Shit may be too generous for that.

But I was of course correct, I said you wouldn’t believe it.

[ LOVE ] I still miss working in it every day. I’ve mostly moved on to Scheme for myself, JS and sometimes Obj-C for clients.

I know you won’t believe this, but you don’t need any of these GTOS (giant towers of shit) to write & ship code. “Replace one GTOS with another” is a horizontal move to still using a GTOS.

You can just install the dev tools you need, write code & libraries yourself, or maybe download one. If you don’t go crazy with the libraries, you can even tell a team “here’s the 2 or 3 things you need” and everyone does it themselves. I know Make is scary, with the mandatory tabs, but you can also just compile with a shell script.

Deployment is packing it up in a zip and unzipping it on your server.

Back in the day, even in this century, printing out code in good text formatting on plain paper’s not a bad way to work with some problems; you can spread out many pages on a table instead of one screenful at a time, make planned edits in paper or pen, then do them. It doesn’t suit half-assed “coding” by hitting code completion and “next” in a wizard, but some of us still remember how to program.

But then marketing hears about this and this meme is the best they can come up with.

I suspect it’s like Nigerian scammers being blatant about how dumb their scam is, to weed out the smart targets. “simplilearn” is obviously not for people who read manuals, you know?