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Joined 2M ago
Cake day: Jul 05, 2024


We’re all going die anyway, I’d just like to do it on a mega yacht

multiple proton compatibility layers eat up system resources real quick and last time I attempted it they kept eating until everything was chugging at frames per minute.

Linux also does this thing called minimize on focus loss that is horrid for this (and the canned fix doesn’t work for me so don’t bother, maybe it’s a PopOS specific thing) also alt-tabing doesn’t see game clients anyway only the game launcher so that little piece of muscle memory from the past 2 decades can put you in a situation or two.

Also the preview/switching tool isn’t available, which wouldn’t be a deal breaker if alt-tabbing worked properly.

it’s a half truth. a compatibility layer will always be slower than bare metal but main systems tend to get bogged down with excess software and general use. A VM will be optimized for the 1 thing you need to run, and maybe even use a snapshot so it’s always the same system at max performance.

I wish I didn’t multibox. Linux is perfectly fine for essentially every other use case,

Windows runs faster on a VM under linux than on bare metal

Shame is for people who don’t stand to lose a fuckton of money.

The FCC would like to know your location

j/k everyone knows now

What cleaning staff? Cleaning is just another part of your job now, this is purely for the shareholders.