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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Connect them together for efficiency, and maybe use both rails for stability and to reduce design conplexity. (you dont even need any additional infrastructure!) Also, have them arrive regularly, so that users don’t need to bother with an app! Brilliant!

Seriously though, it’s really amazing how people keep inventing trains but worse. I guess this idea makes some sense if there aren’t enough riders for regular train service, but still…

Yeah give me shapeshifting, please. Slow, binary transition ain’t it.

I think all of them forfeited any respect for their lives when they chose to step into a metal tube and put several miles of water between them and the breathable atmosphere, for fun.

Sure, I think it’s maybe fair to say that about ceo, who cut all sorts of corners with the construction (and it was a carbon fiber tube, not metal, which was the main problem)

However, the 19 year old kid on board was dragged along by his dad, and was reportedly terrified and didn’t want to go. I think it shows an extreme lack of empathy to say his life had no value because of the situation he was put in.