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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


Mgs 3 snake eater was peak for me. I can’t wait for the remaster coming later this year.

I’m playing cyberpunk with the phantom liberty and 2.0 update. I think they’ve done a fantastic job fixing the game. It’s not perfect but I enjoy it nonetheless.

9 to 5 google is the only publication with this information. I mean I use it, but I can live without YouTube.

Very thankful I was grandfathered in with my the original promo price for google play music.

The persistent problem is the fact she’s clearly not able to fulfil her duties. She should resign. It’s not like her seat is in danger.

She’s too moderate? They’ve forgotten what that means.

I’d rather keep anything Zuckerberg touches at double arms length.

I don’t think you will ever convince the ones voting for those policies. You need to convince the ones not voting that candidates actually care for their well being and inspire them to believe their vote matters. Our voter turnout remains low because most feel their vote doesn’t matter.

I honestly think the infrastructure bill is the message that needs to be pounded into their ears. So many rural areas are absolutely crumbling from an infrastructure perspective. Literally everything is old, crumbling, and jobs are leaving. Democrats need to point out where the money for projects came from and where the new jobs came from. Then build off that. Representatives always have to run off of constituents saying, what have you done for me lately? Show them and plan for their future, cause the republicans don’t have anything but identity politics.

Let’s be honest, they are not choosing that. Interest groups and their leaders are and it’s being disseminated to the populace through their mass media arms. Their voters have been conditioned to accept only the most extreme and conservative view because of a lack of opposing viewpoint that comes from their own communities. Democrats are always seen as the Other in rural areas largely because of the rural/urban divide and the fact the Democrats do not market their platform to rural voters. Even when they run candidates here it’s very rarely they actually run on how to improve people’s lives here.

Ignoring their economic issues is not an option. Republicans run unopposed in many rural areas because there is no counter to their platform.

Democrats need to offer financial incentives to help bring back jobs to rural areas. There needs to be something to counteract republicans using Christian out as a means to get votes. Until that happens you want see the left winning anything in rural areas. It sucks but the democrat platform tends to heavily favor cities.

For me it was metal gear solid 3 snake eater. I thought it was the perfection of the metal gear formula. I’m exited to see its remaster.

Their wording like appropriate and phrases like moderation changes makes it sound like some default subs being nsfw was probably a contributing factor in their decision.

Although the decision will not have a large impact on North Carolina, I’m glad this independent legislature theory is squashed. The idea that the state legislature should have unchecked authority is directly at odds with democratic principles.

A nuclear stockpile being fought over in a civil war is a terrifying prospect.

“Everything else can fail. Your thrusters can go, your lights can go and you’ll be safe.”***********

I wager they don’t have a recovery vessel because they have people sign contracts only allowing arbitration.

Which means they gross $750,000 per 8 hour trip. They should have a recovery vessel at those prices.

No talk of passengers, so at the very least one person is missing, but up to 5. Also they have no other submersible that can reach that depth. From an insurance stance, that sounds like a massive liability risk to undertake, not to mention it’s just unwise.

Finally. I’m happy to see them moving from the subreddit. It wasn’t terrible, but a forum will be better I think in the long run.

I’d wager 90% of users do that. I see way too much phoning home former to ever be comfortable with that.

I wish segmenting your IOT devices on their own virtual network was easier for most people to do. It can be done but you need a good working knowledge of firewall rules and networking in general.

I’d be interested to know the number of houses/ apartments that had gas ranges. I never met a landlord who’d give you anything beyond a coil top.

I think the only downside is the parts are astronomical should something break or need replacement. Otherwise I’d love a cooktop.

So a monovalent booster should not wane in effectiveness as the bivalent?

While there are risk factors associated with gas appliances, I think it’s incredibly high handed to just tell people to go buy non gas appliances. Good ventilation should be absolutely codified in municipal codes, but not everyone can just eat the ancillary costs associated with swapping out new stoves and fuel sources.

This is something we see with our students at school. I think we do them a disservice assuming they have skills we had to acquire as technology progressed. Even something as fundamental as typing is not being actively taught.

Trump offered ‘Food for everyone’ – but Miami restaurant patrons went hungry
I almost placed this in Politics, but it’s more news than actual politics. I don’t know what people were expecting honestly. He was there for the photo op and good optics. Not to pay tabs.

So their plan is to ensure students know the costs upfront (This is already done) and then to limit certain students from borrowing. What a wonderful idea to bring home to your constituents while not addressing the issue of rising costs.

Monetization at all costs it seems. They really want that IPO bag.