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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 28, 2023


It is either an extortion from your domain registrar or sometimes opportunistic domain squatters taking over your domain for a year or two. Check for how long it was registered a put a reminder to get it back

Because other people’s right to have a roof over their heads and afford to buy a house out weights you presumed right to living in a Disney themed park.

Even Europe has stopped producing those buildings. Each era comes with its own stylistics expressions. Amsterdam’s newer district is full of modern cubical buildings. Even if they look a bit better than the one’s shown in this meme, they belong to the same post modern movement.

Another thing to consider is that every other extra luxury that is purely a stylistic addition will be an extra expanse on the end buyer

Surprised a boring platform like LinkedIn has that many users.

There used to be a time when you could watch Hulu without a subscription. Times change. Some other times loop.

Weird this is not the graph I remember having seen first time, The one I saw had python at the very top, have I commented on the wrong post ?

So Japan is telling us, that intellectual property is holding back its progress in AI. so are they recognizing that IP is a hinderess to progress and innovation ? should we expect this to nullify other IP legislation ? is this heading to court?

I meant only blender is a solid contender to 3dsmax or Maya. Other Autodesk products like autocat. Civil 3d. And Revit don’t have any solid Open source alternative.

let hem keep at it. I haven’t found an easy and verstile language as Python than can compile to byte code and be as fast a C ! I know it is coming anytime now despite having been waiting for over a decade.

Unfortunalty most professional Autodesk software have no viable FOSS alternative (except Blender)