If you’re reading this, Kbin has magically worked again. Our admin seems to be in desperate need of a team. Send help.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


Since they can’t bomb that one, guess they’ll stick to the other gestapo tricks

Bruh, look at the magazine before commenting.

If you aren’t going to offer anything constructive in your comment, why don’t you buy the guy the premium upgrade yourself?

When I watched Embracer hoovering up all those studios, I knew they’d end up burning everything to the ground.

How’s that infinite growth treating you, you fucking dumbasses?

Bring back Heroes of the Storm and add Master Chief in damnit

It’s okay, we see your post history defending far right violence and whataboutism about a non existent leftist strawman.

You can skip the song and dance and just not post on here. We know you’ll excuse racism or pretend it doesn’t exist unless it happens to you. Bigots tend to do that

He’s violently murdered in game and you get to stuff his body in a trash chute. And you get paid for it. 10/10

They’re a terf, it was intentional. Don’t say please, report/punch irl if you encounter. Erasure is just one step on the path of genocide.

This person is an exaple of using logic sounding words to spread hatred.

Flowery words doesn’t change the fact you think trans people are grooming and indoctrinating. Please, shut the fuck up.

No way in hell am I sending anyone my piss to get into a website