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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


I know it’s of very little help, but I have not seen this issue, and I’ve been using Deluge for years (not automated via the arr suite, however)

It would do you well to find out what error it is throwing (check logs). Would be much easier to diagnose if you knew the actual issue.

im a big fan of the nas device being single purpose. its life should only exist in fileserving. i have several redundant nas devices and then a big ol app server.

This is the way. Except my “big ol’ app server” is an n95 mini pc that sips power.

Because even if an attacker could gain access even as root he cannot modify system files.

Your comment was already from the position of if an attacker could gain root access. My responses were to that directly, and nothing else.

Your comment also contained

The filesystem itself is also read-only.

Which is what led to the further discussion of root making that not so.

I don’t believe that to be the intent of the OP’s comment, given their second sentence, but they are welcome to state otherwise. I just don’t want them thinking that an immutable distribution gives them some kind of bulletproof security that it doesn’t.

While you are correct, any system is compromised if you have root, so isn’t that irrelevant at that point?

The original context for the comment chain was:

Because even if an attacker could gain access even as root he cannot modify system files.

So no, it’s completely relevant.

Someone with root can run ostree admin unlock --hotfix to make /usr writable. Someone with root can also delete all restore points.

It would be strange for them to call it that if it actually means “completely irrelevant from a security perspective”.

See the comment by superkret.

An attacker escaping from a container can’t be system root as Podman runs rootless (without some other exploit or weak password).

That would be true of podman running anywhere, and is not unique to an immutable distribution.

The filesystem itself is also read-only.

You can change that real quick if you have root access.

Because even if an attacker could gain access even as root he cannot modify system files.

They 100% can.

As the other user said, they removed support for port forwarding. They are my #1 pick for anyone where that is not a concern.

I have no experience with Windscribe other than that I recall looking into them when I was personally looking to replace Mullvad.

All I can offer is that their pricing is pretty much on par with ProtonVPN, who I have found to be very solid.

Proton also has a free tier, though I’m not sure how well P2P works on it.

Uh… What?

GPU you are converting from 265 to 264 and expecting smaller file sizes, but CPU you are going from 264 to 265?

If compression methods/codecs are equal, the hardware shouldn’t affect compression

difficult and/or illegal.

I don’t think using a VPN gets you out of the illegal part, lol.

That was a rephrasing of the statement, not an answer to the question. He’s asking why it matters. What is the “good measure”?

Never mind “being covered”. We have taken the tiniest of baby steps towards coverage. Seniors with no current dental insurance only. Then it will get rolled out based on income, and for many, will still require copay. Any existing dental insurance keeps you out of the program, despite many people having terrible dental benefits.

100%. They’re the only ones making a decent rotisserie chicken these days, and it’s only $8!?

Started switching away from all of their stores last month in anticipation. I try to get everything I can from Costco, and use FreshCo for everything else.

What makes Debian a pain to use on servers?

I can’t find the video, but I remember someone at Ableton said they pretty much had the same view of Live piracy. If someone pirates it, they weren’t willing to spend the money on it, but perhaps they will be willing to in the future.

I personally combine lower end NAS boxes with 4x4 mini PC’s. I like the separation of concerns, as well as the tiny footprint.

Not sure that transmission supports it, but other torrent clients (qbitorrent, deluge) allow binding the torrent client to your VPN interface. That way, you literally can’t torrent on anything but your VPN connection (even if a killswitch fails/the VPN isn’t running)

I respect the fuck out of Brolund. He was giving press conferences between firefighting shifts, while also himself being evacuated.

I use a VPS from RackNerd for all kinds of things (my personal Lemmy, for one). Have had it for two and a half years or so with no complaints.

Few thoughts:

  1. What is being made? Can’t really care about it without having some idea
  2. What makes this company’s version of it worth our interest?
  3. How is it better than the FOSS solutions that in this day and age almost definitely already exist
  4. Why are we to put our faith in this group for pay once software when their two major products are SaaS?

I guess I need to refactor for readability. What you just explained is the entire point of the comment I posted. Refactoring is part of the job. Don’t give your manager a choice on whether or not it needs done.

C# is great. VS is fine, but being bolted to Windows is no go for me. Rider all the way.

Who is in the wrong? Your manager, for not giving you time to refactor? Or you for giving him the option?

True, but he mentions .NET development is Windows first, and even mentions that you have “some IDE’s that work with it, like Rider”. He kind of said it without mentioning the specific IDE.

Rider is the real MVP anyways.

If you are on Linux and require port forwarding, there is a bit of work that needs to be done.

Otherwise, it’s very solid.

If I have to have a prime subscription to get the game, it’s not free IMO

Otherwise a great idea!

I’m planning on doing this personally, as my setup is a bit complex (Protonvpn doesn’t have port forwarding on wireguard supported very well on Linux, so I have some helpers running that make it work). Setting this up each time (and on each computer I want to torrent on) is a bit of a pain. If you do all of your setup and dockerize it, you can just pull the container on each new install/machine (0 setup)

No need to split tunnel. Mullvad has options in the app to allow local networking. Just have to enable it.

Qbittorrent is actually one of the few clients that has this feature, one of the reasons it’s so widely recommended.

Deluge can also do this.

It’s selling itself as more than an IDE. The idea is to have templates for common languages/frameworks. Ideally, this would mean not having to learn how to init a project in a given framework, not having to learn the build tools, not having to learn deployment, ci/cd, etc. Just open this new webapp, pick a framework, develop, and click a “launch” button to have it spin up in GCP.

I imagine they mean launching in more of a release sense (IE: Announcing the launch of new app XYZ). I sure hope so, anyways.