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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 10, 2023


Super relaxed, that comes with the territory of not giving a fuck. Also I make good money.

This guy is me. Fuck your job. Take all you can, give nothing back.

Why bother with X? Just do l33t CLI h4xx0rs

Why? Because higher test scores translate into greater “knowledge capital” — that is, the full body of knowledge available to an economy — and boost economic growth (and, incidentally, the tax revenues that fund our schools).

Ah yes, the only reason to ever do anything: line go up. Not like formative education has any other value.

There’s also compatibility mismatch between certain versions of clients and servers. That almost cost me a bunch of files. Thank RMS I had a local copy through syncthing.

Personally I decided to go the Jellyfin route, but I wanted to stop by and thank you for the effort you put into a great write-up! Bookmarked, maybe I’ll try it out in the future.

Make sure the dir you are mounting to exists. If it doesn’t, create it with:

mkdir /mn

There’s a few ways to go, I have used dd in the past to clone the existing drive out to a disk image on a USB SSD, then installed the new SSD in the system and did the process in reverse (and then used gparted to expand the partitions out to size).

There’s also cloning devices that can do this but I’ve only ever done that with traditional 3.5" and 2.5" disks, not m.2.

Whatever you do, make sure you have a backup of your important data before you make any attempt.

I set this up for production on a factory floor for others to use. It’s nice, works extremely well once set up. Importing and exporting images could be easier.

Seconded. I’ve been running the result of this ansible deployment for a year now, loving it