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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


SCOTUS Just needs to blanket overrule any ruling out of the circuit that stays the whole country.

The confluence of legal sports betting and ads on Amazon streaming is destroying my psyche

I’m more just talking about how the COOOL NEW THING attracts a lot of attention. Then an ungodly amount of investor money. And then dies. I don’t like podcasts and I don’t know a whole lot about their distribution, but the fact that they get funded like super bowl ads definitely means another shoe is about to drop.

It seems they are about to have their bubble burst. It’s probably the next wave of enshittification.

My favorite stage of Quora is when the monetized asking questions. Around this time I had too much time on my hands and showed up to help. When I realized I was making fractions of a penny, I turned to trolling the power users.

These guys were so insecure. They’d whine in their answers about how Quora should pay for good answers, not for questions that bring traffic. Nice try, but every tech bro is online and dying to give an opinion, so sorry, “good” answers is not worth paying for.

And when you would try to correct them or report their answers as incorrect they would lose their shit and try and report me 😂

Fun times. Like a dolphin watching a ship sink.

While I feel like the headline is also true, I know that no other people are anywhere near popular enough to win in the current system. Maybe I’m a moron, but I feel like if Gavin Newsom or someone else had the polling, Biden would love to step aside.

Our system, and especially how Trump has sucked all the oxygen out of the room, how are the next generation supposed to get noticed and popular? Many many Republicans are certainly trying.

If the scope of “Ai” isn’t wide, I’d imagine the battery and cpu usage would be minimized.

You might have to learn and work slower, and spend more time learning any underlying math, but no, I would reject the idea that someone doesn’t have the mental capacity to code.

“Opponents had argued…”

Partial birth abortions aren’t really a thing.

Yes, our federal system is confusing, but no, Ohio doctors are not just going to risk prison because the state constitution allegedly conflicts with federal law.

Sounds like superconductors for semiconductors.

Not shocking that the response to issues in capitalism isn’t “let’s give the poor more capitalism”.

It turns out, when our entire society is built around products, peer pressure to consume becomes a major driving force.

I’m sorry, but this is some serious mental gymnastics. “Don’t try to hard but use logic to justify your emotions about supporting a war of choice.”

No thanks.

Trying too hard? To make sense of a complicated global issue? That’s a bad thing?

This sort of implies Ukraine is an apartheid state carelessly starving and stealing from Russians for decades.

Yes the victims of the recent attack deserve sympathy, but this is not a blank check for a continued genocide against Gaza or other Palestinians.

They aren’t really the same.

The thought is that the US is implying or directly stating that support for Ukraine is contingent on Zelensky supporting Isreal.

The AI Dj was promising, but broken.

Would be cool to tell Spotify “make an angry Playlist I would have like in 2012” or “play music from fantasy films” or whatever. But worth that much more per month? Hmm

If you have no kids, a decent resume, and the desire to do it? It can be a pain.

Imagine if you have kids, not the hottest resume or your skills are otherwise attached to a local economy (say tourism), and you rely on family for childcare. Or you own your house. Or any number of other complications that make it hard to just decide to move.

Remote work has certainly made it easier. You don’t need to travel for interviews like you used to.

Healthcare and ability to rent are both tied to work, so you can’t really just move to a new city and figure stuff out either.

The dereliction of the Republican party has laid bare that the primary system does the bidding of the parties and not of the people.

Well like your discussing with the other person, it’s not just one method.

But rather it’s a system where wealth begets wealth. In aggregate, in many industries, during something like a pandemic or very high inflation, they have levers at their disposal to increase their profits. It’s that simple.

For people who invested in real estate? It’s forcing people back to work. For people who own retailers, distributors and manufacturers, it’s increasing prices and keeping wages flat. Others buy up faltering businesses and create monopolies.

I’m not trying to be an asshole. Read the article, and if you want to learn more, like I said, the article cites the research underpinning it.

You aren’t trying hard enough to learn if you just ask questions in the comments, either way.


The idea of the government telling banks to change people’s bank values is a bad example, but I think the core is accurate. The government has a role to play in the economy and we have only decided arbitrarily that taxes will fund coffers that get spent “responsibly”. But there is really no necessary corelation here. We have just sort of arrived here, at this metaphor, to make sure the government doesn’t do something stupid like buy everyone a puppy.

For those who believe in markets, keeping the government largely operating within markets (taxes, expenditures, deficits, etc) is a useful proxy. But when the markets are so far distorted and the lives of poor and working people are at stake? Yeah it’s clear something has to change.

What the most ‘Chinese’ smartphone yet tells us about politics | Financial Times
Author of Chip War writes: >What is the significance of Huawei’s new smartphone chip? The controversial Chinese telecoms company has attracted headlines because its new Mate 60 Pro phone has a sophisticated homegrown chip. SMIC, the Chinese chipmaker that Huawei collaborated with, has never previously made such an advanced semiconductor. > The chip industry is divided on what this means. On the one hand, SMIC has succeeded only in replicating a manufacturing process — called 7 nanometre — that Taiwan’s TSMC, the world’s leading chipmaker, was already producing at high volume in 2018. SMIC generally lags half a decade behind TSMC in rolling out new manufacturing processes, so by that metric, the Chinese company’s 7nm process has arrived right on schedule.

I mean siding with Trump, buying Twitter and the “free speech” people. This is the smoke screen so that he CAN defend Russia and make Biden wary of fighting back, because he now has the unconditional support of 30% of the country.

Not that aiding Russia is the prevention, I think it may be at least part of the goal.

His posturing politically may just be to protect himself from SpaceX and Starlink being nationalized.

If you read the article, the concern is how those disparate technologies are converging.

You get the picture. Robots—“intelligent” and not—have been killing people for decades. And the development of more advanced artificial intelligence has only increased the potential for machines to cause harm. Self-driving cars are already on American streets, and robotic “dogs” are being used by law enforcement. Computerized systems are being given the capabilities to use tools, allowing them to directly affect the physical world. Why worry about the theoretical emergence of an all-powerful, superintelligent program when more immediate problems are at our doorstep? Regulation must push companies toward safe innovation and innovation in safety. We are not there yet.

In manufacturing the kanban board is a literal board. A white board or paper attached to a wall.

This whole thing was new to me. But it is sort of notable that a big company did/tolerated these things. Even if it’s some dumb new media YouTube shit.