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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023



I mean all problems are solved with another layer of abstraction right?

I’m a little lost on what each of these components are. I see .sh files so I’m assuming you’re mostly writing these with Bash?

With this level of complexity I wonder if you’d benefit from running a k8s server. Just food for thought.

Looks like you’re having a good time for it. I always laugh at the similarity with this system building and the BUS designs of Factorio.

Makes a lot of sense honestly because it’s hard to see the demand for “competent” I.T. workers evaporating unless it was b.s. work.

For the first time in my career I’m actually not in this position. Found an employer that’s an ex engineer and just “gets it”. Good compensation, good benefits, and invests in all of our understanding and careers. Sucks seeing all the people just let go so I’m surprised this survey has this result.

Maybe it was conducted before this season of let gos.

I used to be fine with this phrase but after watching that American History X scene that’s just too brutal to want to do to another human. Gross

This also assumes you have adequate testing capabilities which are important so that you can evaluate unit capabilities, integrated capabilities, and performance characteristics.

On cloud you might have your testing infra be ephemeral and spin up whenever you need to perform the testing (as well as your IAC capabilities).

But this would partially evaluate any issues with the app coordinating with the database.

I would also assume DBA’s can write some test scripts to execute as well.

When onboarding takes forever and the customer doesn’t want to move up their deadlines.

I’ll have to take another crack at it sometime. You can do all kinds of container privilege modification in Kubernetes and maybe I just missed the one I need to set. I’ll try to find the analog for the one you shared here. Thanks!

True. I kind of consider IoT a category of device nomenclature but that’s not true.

I wish Home assistant was more conducive to running on Kubernetes. I tried it but so much of the local discovery doesn’t work without being in the same LAN as all your IoT devices.

The important concepts aren’t that complicated.

Instead of nesting a computer (VM’s) the operating system makes the program think it’s on its own dedicated computer (isolated file system space, cpu, and memory shares). A Dockerfile is just a basic script to construct one of these computers by commands and files.

The real reason people get excited is because they can ship a Docker “image”. It’s a layered filesystem which really is just like saying there’s a system tracking who puts what files in what place and so it’s easier to just send the whole setup to someone then try to document how you should set all that stuff up to run their software.

This is “dummier” proof than the pre-existing convention of just using a package manager to do this for you.

Yeah but what restrictions does NASA put on the scripts. Most languages are similar enough if you neuter them down to rudimentary forms.

I doubt they’re NPM installing these packages.

I “test” my code, you “test” your code. We are not the same.

I use Hover. They haven’t fucked me so far.