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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 22, 2023


6 foot bed, 2 seats, 4x4, electric. Why is that so much to ask? I don’t need a 45 foot surrogate penis to get to work and move furniture/landscaping/tools.

It’s not just acceptable, it’s encouraged by the province to keep people from rage quitting their lives here.

domestic violence, assault, and auto-incidents, also things like uttering threats and mischief.

Crimes most committed by the police?

Healthcare is for profit. Doctors, nurses, surgeons, consumables, hospitalization, antibiotics, follow ups all get charged to OHIP at a profit for the healthcare provider.

If we had actual public healthcare, where hospitals and doctors are not private businesses, maybe we could spend more mony on treatment and rehabilitation for problem cases.

Canada is working perfectly if you’re a billionaire.

That shipping isn’t free, dumbass. It’s subsidized to undercut non-chinese suppliers in a (successful) attempt to put them out of business.

Because the most popular bully has been replaced and the toady has to distance himself from the old leader.

I’d bet a big bag of cash that the driver was on the phone. My commute takes me on a lot of 2 lane 80 zones and people are constantly crossing the center line into oncoming traffic on their fucking phones.

Who does now? Cops will tell you to back off and hide if you call for a home invasion.

Cops are not judges, they aren’t even required to have an accurate knowledge of the law. Disarm and defund police, put the money into education, healthcare and public transit.

👏 stop 👏 subsidizing 👏 oil

$18B last year in government support for petrocorps.

Literally can not be done. Canada doesn’t manufacture enough to become self sufficient (thanks outsourcing).

Three monopolies pretending to be a country. Fossil fuels, telecoms, groceries.

Is he afraid we are going to use it all up? If you don’t want the world watching then don’t be a godamned circus fire 24/7.

Boy, if only there was a way to brew coffee that didn’t involve forcing boiling water through a disposable plastic cup in a plastic machine…

By their nature you can’t out-carbon fossil fuels. You’re pitting millions of years of concentrated surface carbon against a few hundreds of years worth.

To capture all the fossil fuel we burn in a year naturally we would have to grow and then log a whole extra earth of forest.

Cue manufactures: “we can’t make parts or manuals available because [safety/cyber/copyright/patent/think of the children]”

The only reason gasoline cars are “cheap” in Canada are the billions in subsidies that go to petro corps. Canada is playing the same game and China but both countries are fucking Canadians.

THERE IS NO AFFORDABLE ELECTRIC CAR IN CANADA The cheapest electric cars in Canada are ~$40k whereas the cheapest ICE cars are $25K. As much as China is a huge economic problem for the world in general the burden should be on the ruling class who created this problem not the people on the bottom.

A better response would be to stop subsidizing oil and put those billions into the development of affordable electric cars for the North American market. A sedan, minivan, crossover and compact pickup that are under $40k to totally pull the rug out from under Chinese competition. I don’t know anyone who would take a Chinese car even if it was 1/3 the price, they burned their reputation for safety years ago.

edit: a letter

No party is. Canada was created as a way to extract resources for the ruling class, that has never changed.

Cut their funding and put it into education, healthcare or transit.

Police are not heroes, they are thugs to keep the proles in place.

Our car got stolen from out driveway in Waterdown. When we called the police they said:

Why are you calling us, call your insurance company

The neighbour’s CRV was stolen 24hrs later. Police don’t prevent crime they only punish those that police suspect of being a criminal (or people they just don’t like). Cut their funding and put it into education, healthcare or transit.

Sooo, I guess Canada really just wants to get railed by a bunch of rich pricks. Even across age, education and social class the CPC is the preferred party, with the only disparity being between women and men. I am no expert on women but I can tell you for sure that most men have tribe-brain and Poilievre knows it.

Metrolinx said owners are compensated at fair market value for properties, based on appraisals conducted by external accredited appraisers.

That’s not how that works. They are not selling their homes by choice, they are being forced out. Metrolinx owes them the maximum possible value for the properties as without them the project can not be completed.

Not to mention there are technological answers to this problem. They can lower the line, move it towards the center of the road surface, use a more expensive process that reinforces the tunnel more as it is bored or just pay for any fucking damage they do to the existing houses if and when it occurs.

Just ban them all together. They are a combination human rights violation, environmental disaster and disease factory.

If it can be removed. Car electronics are as integrated as your phone removing or disabling individual parts can totally fubar the car. Canada (and the rest of the world) needs to set some seriously harsh standards for vehicles and digital privacy.

I don’t even want cars made in America.

New cars have an internet connection and GPS now, even if it is not exposed to the driver it is there.

New cars have one of those fucking touch screens in the dash leaving many of the features of your car held hostage by the lowest-bidder firmware that will never get an update and can not be replaced. That lowest-bidder firmware is also insecure, exposing your movement and vehicle features (engine control, transmission control, body control, climate control, locks, steering, braking, and the radio) to whoever happens to take the time to break it. When Dodge got owned a few year ago the problem was so big that they only way to prevent bad actors from owning cars was to block all traffic to the vehicles externally, the cars could not be made secure on their own.

New cars have horrible physical security as well, using the same CAN bus to operate exterior lights and unlock the fucking doors. They are vulnerable to replay/relay attacks which are possible with $50 off the shelf hardware. A lot of cars even let you program a band new fob with bluetooth, so for under 100 bucks someone can just drive away with your $60k phone on wheels.

Before we start deciding which country has the best cars how about we set some strong standards for the quality of all vehicles on Canadian roads?

That’s EVERY car now. Even if it is not enabled for the owner the hardware and software is present.

I love to cycle both on and off road but there is a very specific type of rider who likes to ride 3 wide on a 2 lane road in an 80 zone. Just why?

London, Ont., police training with Chechen paramilitary group damages Canada’s image, researcher warns
> London, Ont., police officers participating in a competition in Dubai alongside a Chechen group accused of committing atrocities in the conflict with Ukraine

Judge says Ottawa listing plastic items as toxic was ‘unreasonable and unconstitutional’
> "Not every item within [the plastic manufactured items category] has the potential to create a reasonable apprehension of harm" As long as we agree not to be apprehensive about the harms resulting from the use and manufacture of **all** plastics, they are ok. Got it, bring back the straws and stir sticks! > The challenge to the federal government’s proposed ban was brought last year by the Responsible Plastic Use Coalition (RPUC) and several chemical companies. They argued that the federal government had failed to demonstrate that it had enough scientific evidence to justify the regulations. RPUC was formed in 2021 in response to the “toxic” designation, and currently includes more than 30 processors and resin makers, including Berry Global Group Inc., CCC Plastics, Dow Inc., Ingenia Polymers, IPL, LyondellBasell Industries, and Nova Chemicals Corp. https://www.canplastics.com/canplastics/judge-quashes-cabinet-order-underlying-canadas-single-use-plastic-ban/1003462513/