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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


Moving past feeling “lucky” to be able to pursue my desires in life, I can’t help but feel shame when I reflect on the multitude of reasons why Afghanistan has deteriorated to this state. Yet another tragic victim of foreign invasion and meddling, of which my country is complicit.

I really appreciate your points and this comparison, but the pictures are giving me Attack on Titan vibes lol

Such a good blog post. It covers so much important information in an entertainingly snarky tone.

I think I get how this can be related to politics, but maybe the discussion lies in the conditions where capitalism is positioned to thrive off of the backs of working class folks by stealing their precious little free time.

You talk about the effect that it has and that does have value. But if we’re to learn how to fight against oppressive systems, we have to start somewhere by focusing on a sector to improve the awareness or interest in, say, mutual aid networks.

How do they serve us, the working class, and how might we reclaim this precious free time by changing our approach to something we do day to day? Fighting capitalism and oppression takes time because we have to learn why we’re being oppressed.

And if I may, you might focus on union busting tactics and legislation. What’s the friendliness factor toward labor movements in your local government? Who in your city council is a thorn in the side of labor movements? How do they systematically prevent people from helping people through collective action?

Just a few observations and thoughts that might get any conversation on track. Hope it’s helpful!

It’s always disturbing to see the influence that money has on information flow. Kudos to Bianca Graulau for having immense journalistic integrity and not backing down on sharing this story!

This comment isn’t helpful, but I really love Demon’s Tilt. I appreciate this post and the suggestions here!

This is my hope as well. As a mostly independent voter, she’s gonna have to do more to convince the Greens, PSLs, and Liberals that she won’t renege on things she’s signaled have her support and what will be challenged.

The fact that so many international companies have decided to side with a major aggressor during this terrible event in history is one of the most awful things I didn’t expect to witness. We all know that big business and money shapes world politics, but damn… This is straight up horrible. It could be any of us for any reason moving forward.

There is a procedure in place for granting permits to industry like this in every state. In New York, for example, when a potential site is selected, the business must apply for the permit to build and goes through a process of reviewing environmental and human harms in the area based on their operations. They are also required to notify residents and hold public participation events to ensure residents can ask questions about the development. “Good neighbor laws” are sorely needed in Texas, but the state would never allow that cause there’s no money to be made in protecting the people and the planet.

Same, and so many others I know share this sentiment. We’re working on it by advocating for a just, equitable, and overall better world. Keep spreading this message!

I’m with you on the last paragraph 1000%. Biden isn’t left enough for me, so I’m going Green this year.

Is that all these “officials” know how to do? I only ever hear them lying, spinning, redacting, harassing, bullying, shaming, and spewing hate filled messages at people they deem “lesser,” which seems to be a lot of people. (Not to mention the ongoing genocide they’re leading…)

Agreed. In essence, the cost of doing business is ensuring your supply chain is lawful and morally sound. This lack of respect for humanity as a practice runs rampant because capitalism calls for nothing less than infinite growth and ever increasing profit. Imo, if you can’t afford to do business humanely, you shouldn’t be allowed to be in business.

And in the meantime, we’re seeing the US vote to defund a humanitarian organization, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA)), that also helps the population prove they are indigenous to Filasteen and have a right to own land there, and land that is currently colonized as well. Because they house this info, Western governments probably see it as a threat to the legitimacy of the occupation and want to erase it from history.

It’s so impossible for me to understand how this is an endorsed action. I know cruelty is the point, but has society been so brainwashed that we’re here? I don’t believe the majority of us are so morally bankrupt.

I drove one of these recently as a rental, and told my partner that they were tracking our every move to send to our insurance company. Didn’t believe me, so thank you for this article! I’ll always feel like I’m being watched and recorded in new cars. I don’t even like having personal conversations in them for fear of a potential active mic somewhere…

In an alternate timeline, the title to this post could refer to the amount of relief for student loan debt, or state grants for humanely addressing the homelessness, lack of healthcare accessibility, and climate crisis, for starters.

I love this concept. Now make fossil fuel companies and billionaires match the royalties!

They’ve been on my BDS list for years now. Welcome to the (fed up) club!

To add insult to injury, they’re also not quiet about their desire to make money from a trade route they want to build through Gaza, and the offshore oil reserves there they want to drill for so desperately. They would rather kill innocent people to level Gaza for monetary gain and positioning in the Middle East. Active, calculated cruelty.

I’m honestly super into this mentality, and love this thread – Kindness in order to maintain the hope that remains in all of us that care about each other and our world!