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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 20, 2023


Hail insurance sucks here. It’s almost guaranteed to hail at least once a summer.

We have poorly regulated private insurance, and ambulance chasing lawyers are everywhere driving up costs.

Why rclone? S3 sync the files on a schedule, enable versioning for immutability and encrypt at the bucket level.

You can always trunk 1g connections together. I picked up an old Cisco 3760G poe+ for 20 bucks at the gov surp. Port channels ahoy!

Canadian prairie cities were allowed to essentially build nearly homogenous office space in their cores. It’s no shock at all they’re suffering now. Calgary just built its first (First!!) mixed use high rise, ever.

Pre-seed your backup location and then hope that your change rate is small enough to fit into 10 mb. For example, if you’re using AWS you can get a snowball to load data into S3.

Timeline of events in Alberta:

  • The Alberta provincial NDP bring in a provincial carbon tax, exempting them from the federal carbon tax.
  • The Conservatives win the next election.
  • The Conservative government scraps the provincial carbon tax, forcing Alberta back onto the federal tax.
  • The federal government starts fucking with the carbon tax (who could have seen this coming?).
  • Alberta’s Conservative government teams up with Sask to bitch about how unfair the federal carbon tax is.

Completely unexpected turn of events, folks.

I do an s3 sync every five minutes of my important files to a versioned bucket in AWS, with S3-IA and glacier instant retrieval policies, depending on directory. This also doubles as my Dropbox replacement, and I use S3 explorer to view/sync from my phone.

Sandhur Anziege Programm, or “Hourglass Displaying Program” in English, first started out as a hardware stress tester. It only made sense that it would evolve into a human stress testing program from there.

If you’re not a programming superstar you can probably make more money writing nothing but Terraform code for hapless enterprises.