I’m just a tired dad, trying to make my way in the universe.


  • 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 05, 2023

Domain registrar
Seeing the news with Google domains, I’m looking to move registrars, and was wondering who everyone uses.

Self hosted web based note application
Is there a self hosted web based note app similar to Obsidian or Joplin? I've tried Trilium and its ether above my pay grade in terms of knowledge, or I've set it up wrong. I'm mostly looking for something that has support for folders or a tree structure, markdown or simple text based and all accessible buy web browser. I've gone from using Joplin, to Obsidian, I love both but am tired of waiting for sync before accessing my notes on different devices. *** **UPDATE:** I ended up going with [Joplin ](https://joplinapp.org/) and hosting my own [Joplin Server](https://hub.docker.com/r/joplin/server). It has clients for every device I use and it auto syncs as changes are made. Initial sync takes a while, but once that's done it isn't a problem.