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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 13, 2023


I didn’t mean the choice of image format is a monopolistic behavior, but that the monopoly puts google in a position that any choice they make, be it a good or bad one, becomes an industry standard, without others having any choice in it.

And here we have a clear example of how Chrome’s almost monopoly is a bad thing for us.

I find the screen technology itself to be interesting, but it’s more a competition to e-ink devices than to common tablets. However, the price is too high to be well received, unfortunately. I love reading devices, but the best I could do is a 10yo refurbished one. I wonder why they’re always so expensive…

So true. I’d complement the first point to include a general lack of documentation. Sometimes, we can’t even know some pinout schema without trial and error.

Can computers be properly recycled? I ask this as someone living in a place where everything ends up in a landfill

  1. Started working in my mom’s womb, before they were counting my age.

My guess is that google has been losing the public perception of an innovative company, and started to be felt as a big stable and slow moving one instead, and they’re trying so desperately to take back the previous public perception. They’re seeing the ai hype and the investment microsoft is doing on it. They probably also fear that bing might break their monopoly, and want to fully integrate some ai in their product, to prevent the competition from arising and passing the image of an innovative company.

But how do you know if it’s the clutter that is being removed? One of the indicator listed in the article is broken links from wikipedia. These links are very likely to point to informational resources or news articles, but are also being lost at a high rate.

Which implies that the brain-computer interface will never be viable as a product

Those are probably the same people running my ISP, because there are no expectations of them ever implementing ipv6…

“There is nothing more eternal than a temporary measure”

I do a similar thing, enabling only the apps I want notifications, and I run “adb shell settings put global heads_up_notifications_enabled 0” to stop those annoying popups interrupting me. This should have been an option available in the configs, imo.

Sometimes I wonder if some companies or groups are paying to publish “news” about genz using this or that, as a way to promote their stuff. It looks to me as a good and cheap tactic, since some younger people would look into the “trend”, trying not to miss it, while some older people would look into it trying to stay “cool” and not look out of fashion.

But then I think again, and it looks like too much of a conspiracy theory. Why does my brain do that?