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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Nov 01, 2023


Zulip hit’s the sweet spot for me, as it’s pretty straight forward to use and not too many bangs and whistle’s.

Alternatively I’m also very happy with signal for communicating with other ones where Idon’t have to vother about user management too much.

Not FOSS anymore. More like open core these days.

+1 for Gandi, as they also have an API for management as well and support ACME DNS challenge for Let’s encrypt.

Similar setup here with additional exporters like cadvisor for container metrics and other components.

OpenTelemetry is awesome, but still a very fast moving project. Expect therefore more frequent updates and changes compared to more older and established projects.

Nice catch and thanks for sharing. Will definitely check it out.

Fully agree to this summary. traefik also gave me a hard time initially, but once you have the quirks worked out, it works as promised.

Caddy is absolutely on my list as an alternative, but the lack of docker label support is currently the main roadblocker for me.

You can also have a look at contabo as well.

Another alternative approach could be Distrobox, where you can set up isolated environments for your specific needs.