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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


So does Voyager, Raccoon, and Eternity. Everything is just defaulting to it and it’s infuriating.

China built an international train system in less, surely something that’s basically a fancy outlet can be well executed by the Greatest Nation

Why are you misrepresenting Debian then? I am calling you a hater because of you misrepresenting options, and no it doesn’t matter if you use it if you’re being disingenuous in conversation. Windows is a benchmark because people understand it and base their opinons on it. People like you are the reason they don’t use Linux.

Windows lacking a basic, consistent, package manager for decades puts it significantly lower by default. Also you’re blatantly a blind Linux hater because you didn’t list Windows under your “lack of being able to do a task,” and horrible performance (DWM.exe), and garbage UX/UI (literally any UI they’ve made since Windows 7).

Name a shitty Linux distro on the same level as standard Windows

Everyone’s carry-ons are often oversized as shit these days though.

No its that they keep purposefully shrinking the size, making everything oversized.

Gotta be on the internet drive, I:\

Why would someone who is afraid of change pay cash? Wouldn’t they be given change?