From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free 🇵🇸

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 07, 2023


Companies use pirated content: line go up! 📈

Everyday people use pirated content: STRAIGHT TO JAIL!

I have friends still dealing with all kinds of airline troubles (basically stuck in cities for a week past their return date) and I can’t believe anyone would have so many mission-critical systems using Windows. Their infrastructure must be a mess.

The real solution is to not make anything that’s mission-critical reliant on Windows.

A backup plan probably involves using some other company/service that can suffer the same fate 😭

It’s what happens when you put too many eggs in one basket. You see a similar house of cards when you look at package managers in the software dev space. Single point of failure.

The reality though is that Windows computers not running the CrowdStrike agent were not affected. This one falls on CS, but there is a much larger problem at play. Also, auto-updates are a plague, especially on a kernel level. That’s just insanity.

Definitely Shadow of the Erdtree! I’ve already beaten the Dancing Lion boss. Just started playing WoW Classic again too and found a guild filled with super nice people. So that’s been fun.

+1 for this comment. I got Stremio setup yesterday based on your post and the recommended add-ons, and it was insanely simple. I was able to get it all setup on my Samsung TV in like ~15 minutes.

There have been a few times in my life where I pirated a game or album, and ended up liking them so much I legitimately purchased them.

Their TVs are a pain in the ass too. The UI can be annoying and sluggish, sometimes requiring a hard reboot to get it to sort itself out.

The “bad” ones just float to the top when a government is around long enough. It’s human nature. The ones seeking power and money see others seeking the same, and they look at them as a rung on a ladder. They help each other because it benefits them. They actively work to shut out the “good” ones because they know they’ll lose their spot to them if they aren’t careful. Suddenly the “good” ones are lost in the noise. The incorruptible become powerless.

It’s similar to the police force in the US, for example. People go in with good intentions, but the force has been around long enough that the mad dogs have already permeated all of the top ranks. So the “good” ones either wash out, or they assimilate. One of my relatives washed out, while the one that had been there much longer turned into a massive racist. Which one do you think climbed the ranks quicker?

Power structures automatically attract selfish, self-serving people that just become worse offenders the more wealthy and powerful they become. Power is a vacuum after all, and there are plenty of bad people standing in line to fill it. This is why I don’t trust a single politician. Whether they want to admit it or not, under that facade of wanting to change their city or “do good,” there is some underlying desire for power and attention. That doesn’t mean none of them do anything good in their time though; it just means we should be cautious.

As soon as I smell authoritarianism, it’s a no from me. Even as someone that reads communist and socialist theory. I think people take too much of the past and try to apply it as-is to the world of today. But it doesn’t work. Modern times require modernized ideas, and I sometimes wish people had more imagination.

I’m against both of them. It’s imprisonment, torture and forced assimilation. It should be an easy decision for anyone that is also against what the Nazis did and Israel is doing.

The TikTok ban is a weird gray area. It’s one of those things where I don’t like any of these tech companies or the fact that they are essentially monetizing terror, and I will never have allegiance to them or the entities that influence them to deceive and profit themselves, but it’s also a pipeline for information either way—which is something we are lacking more and more of every day with the constant deaths of journalists and journalist outlets. People need to remember that no one is immune to propaganda and we should take all of the information with a grain of salt.

But if we’re talking about the things happening in Gaza, any eyes we can get add value. It’s not like this is some new event that we don’t have documented history on. We’re witnessing the next stage of the genocide, and TikTok (hate it or love it) has helped expose a lot of the atrocities (in the same way that Twitter used to).

It’s really not a stretch to say that anti-imperialist governments and individuals benefit from this because it exposes the atrocities the US and Britain have been perpetuating for years. Of course that’s a benefit to them. It’s also a benefit to the people forced to live under the governments committing those atrocities.

I have a feeling these questions are trying to feel out whether or not I’m a fan of the authoritarian flavor of communism and that’s a nope lol. I’m not on Lemmygrad or Hexbear. I don’t like police regardless of the continent or any other factor. We are seeing power vacuums in 2 very different types of authoritarian structures and none of them pan out to anything good for the working class.

I keep it simple: it’s always the working class vs the ruling class.

That said, refreshing myself on the Uyghur internment camps and then comparing them to the recently uncovered concentration camps that Israel has in the desert, and seeing the similarities, is unnerving. One exists to allegedly indoctrinate a population, while the other exists to exterminate it. There is a Venn diagram here somewhere.

It didn’t invent it. It just caught on at the right time and amplified that knowledge. It’s also a network. I don’t get TikTok but I’ve seen how popular it is in the new generations. This isn’t new knowledge; it’s just new packaging for a plugged-in-since-birth generation.

I’m too old for TikTok. Old Twitter, Reddit before it went to shit, niche message boards. That’s where I used to hang. Now it’s gathering communities I like on my own Lemmy server.

It’s not about trusting TikTok. It’s about understanding that we have a terrible tech company, vs a terrible government. But at the same time, it has helped radicalize and inform so many in the ranks of Gen Z, amongst other generations. Even if you skip past the 24/7 stream of Gaza coverage ( which we absolutely need since Israel has murdered something like 121 journalists in Gaza), you’ll find videos of Gen Z and other folks making videos that layout documented history, protest methods, agitprop, and their own amateur journalism to others. That has value, even if the source is just in it for the notoriety and money. It’s an awkward position where it becomes a tool to the revolution, because it’s in opposition (for its own gain), but is never trustworthy.

Oh shit, I forgot all about Telegram. Bluesky is in the ring now too, but I don’t really know much about it.

The thing is, it doesn’t have to lie or twist the truth. All it has to do is give people a window into what the US has been doing around the world for years. The US has done this to itself. The younger generations are onto the ruling class and their playbook is no longer working. They want to ban TikTok now because of the massive amount of unfiltered Gaza content it provides. I should note, TikTok simply promoting this stuff in its algorithm is enough (look up “Heating” in regards to TikTok).

Musk is a useful idiot. He ruined Twitter and the US government quietly thanks him for it because it no longer serves as a tool to see unfiltered events happening on the ground (like Israel murdering Palestinians). So mission accomplished there, and now the new target is TikTok.

There’s also this quote said in 1981 by the CIA Director at the time, William Casey:

We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false


Meta is already in the government’s pocket—which covers Instagram and Facebook, Elon has basically erased old Twitter, and now TikTok is on the brink of being banned in the US. Pretty fun pattern of events to try and control the narrative.

It’s interesting because my dad followed a similar path and I wish I had the smarts he did. He worked as an electrical engineer and was with a company contracted by NASA. He told me how he got to work on some of the stuff in the space capsules back in the 70s/80s. Then at some point he became a full-time kitchen designer and was a carpenter. I asked him once why he left such a high-paying and interesting field. He said it was because all of the people he worked with were uptight squares and he just didn’t like it.

He passed away about 17 years ago. I wish he was still around. I could use his advice as a web dev that feels collectively burnt out and in a rut.

I get the thousand yard stare more often as I get older. I learned that it’s my brain forcing itself to take breaks.

I’ve been in tech since 2005 and I wish I had the means to bail like that. I’ve honestly considered taking a fat pay cut and going back to driving a forklift.

You can get it used pretty cheap. I have it for the Xbox 360 and downloaded it once I finally got an Xbox X.

It’s top tier fun. I come back to it routinely and make a bunch of ridiculous skate videos. Never gets old.

Skate 3 EarthBound Skyrim Oblivion Quake 1/2/3 Mario 64 Super Mario World Battlefield 1943 (RIP 😞) Fallout 76 DayZ Vampire Survivors

These are just a few. I cycle through games a lot.

Thank you! I started the server as a random project right after I left Reddit and shredded all of my posts. I’m pretty sure I’m the only active user but that’s okay by me. It’s a little money out of my pocket to give both myself and others refuge from social media and all of the enshitification.

Hey, this is awesome! I might have to set this up to change the banner on my own instance daily. I’ve written a decent amount of python in my time so maybe I can take a look at the code too.

My instance will most definitely not be federating with this. It’s Meta. Untrustworthy to the core. I didn’t spin up my own Lemmy server and pay out of pocket monthly just to loop bullshit social media companies back into it.

Quake 3 if you wanna go old school. Pretty much anything will run it these days and you can easily spin up a local server for it. You can do FFA or play on teams.

Rocket League is always fun IMO. Good to blow off steam and not have to focus on story.

It’s honestly a gamble based on my experience. Instructions that I’ve given ChatGPT have worked for a while, only to be mysteriously abandoned for no valid reason. Telling AI not to hallucinate is apparently common practice from the research I’ve done.

I do feel bad when I have to tell it not to. Hallucinating is fun!

What’s one of your favorite game soundtracks?
I recently started playing GTAV again and sometimes I’ll get in my car and let the radio stations play while I do house stuff. Favorite stations are the 80s one with Kenny Loggins, and West Coast Classics and Rock Radio.