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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 23, 2023


With infinite budget sure, worth a shot, but it would cost a lot more than the price of the phone to track it down.

Infinite budget? Bro, I know the exact location. Just go over there and knock on his door. Arrest the man and put him in jail for possession. One less thief out there taking advantage of the fact that the police doesn’t enforce the fucking laws.

The criminals could and probably do have ‘faraday bags’ to block signals from phones as they move them, only ever taken out to sell them along.

They could, but they don’t.

In a world of home surveillance, doorbell cameras, and phones with constant GPS that can tell you the exact location of where it’s at, the police are more useless than ever.

The demo was neat, but it was hilariously overhyped, even in the abstract paper. It was pretty damn obvious that the researchers were just trying to continue funding their research with a PR push.

The more interesting aspect was the potential for better AI video processing, not creating a game engine. You can’t create a game engine without a series of defined rules, and you can’t define those rules without documenting it in programming language.

Why EU leaders People should get off Musk’s X


The company added that it does not “listen to any conversations or have access to anything beyond a third-party aggregated, anonymized and fully encrypted data set that can be used for ad placement” and “regret[s] any confusion.”

That doesn’t sound like kooky bullshit to me. That sounds exactly like what the OP’s title suggests.

The GPL is not a China-backed agreement. China can do whatever the fuck it wants, because that’s how dictatorships roll.

It’s not an article. It’s a blog post. That’s the problem.

With this change, extensions can “only” alter/inspect/redirect/block 30,000 domains if they use the webRequest API. That’s not enough to build uBlock Origin with, but at least there’s limit now.

That seems like an arbitrary number. Why not 20,000? Or 300,000? What the hell is this limit even for? Even malware can still target 10 domains and do some significant damage. So, what the hell is the point?

Remember, politicians don’t pass racist laws by directly saying they are excluding PoC into the law. They do it by targeting commonalities that happen to apply to PoC.

Google isn’t going to flat-out say they are blocking uBlock Origin. They are going to do it by implementing “security features” that just so happen to target only uBlock Origin.

How does it sound to a swing voter?

Wtf is a swing voter? Tea party eliminated most of the moderates many many years ago, and Trump’s campaign executed the rest.

Agreed. A lot of the comments in this thread are making some fucking stupid comparisons.

Ditto. Alan Wake 2 looks like a cool game, but I have 32 games on my Steam wishlist, and I can make it 33 when they decide to put it on Steam.

Yeah, it’s really tiring when there are so many good uses from both image LLMs and chat LLMs. They shouldn’t be used to produce a final product, but it can get 50-80% of the way there.

Just their use as upscalers (which I know isn’t a LLM) are magical, and far far better than JPEG compression. With the right upscaler, you can double the size of an image and it looks just fine.

Instead, we are far too engrossed in how “AI is taking our jobs” and shit. No, AI isn’t taking your jobs. The greedy corporate assholes are taking your jobs.

Memes have been working better than reality, for thousands of years at this point.

Tippecanoe and Tyler, too!

Elected a US president based on that one slogan.

Microsoft Ruined Windows
Microsoft is ruining Windows. It just keeps getting worse. Whether it be their insistence on AI and cloud garbage, or just a general sense of incompetence, I can’t help but feel like the operating system has seen better days. Normally I wouldn’t care too much, big tech ruins another thing, whatever. But the problem is Microsoft has such a dominant market share that you can’t really escape them. I guess unless you use a Mac or something I don’t know.

He put tampons in men’s bathrooms! He’ll trans kids. He took away parental rights. He’s woke & creepy.

I mean, it’s better than being so weird that they fuck couches.

There are so many inaccuracies in this statement.

Injecting logic, facts, and moderation into an AI conversation? Get the fuck outta here!

People seem to forget Admiral James Stockdale. SNL represented the public view of that decision the best.

This is a risky strategy. I’m hope this pans out.

Christianity, especially Catholicism, is just borrowed Paganism. They were competing with Polytheism and had to have some ideas that might attract them to their religion.

Even from the beginning, it was all about trying to say they are one thing, all the while throwing in contradictions into their stories and world views.

It’s a big tent with a foundation of begrudging compromise. Some people will be upset, but they have months to get over it.

The same could be said about Biden.

Run Harris. That’s the solution, because the democrats are allergic to actually cultivating new leaders.

But, how does that work? Does the DNC just declare a new candidate without an election? What kind of rules are there for this sort of thing?

Don’t worry… Non-voters will do their part in fucking up the country.

It’s better to think about the general election as the place to vote for your party. You get your chance to vote for individual candidates in the primaries. I know that isn’t the case for incumbents, but that’s where the decisions should be made.

If people thought about elections this way, we wouldn’t be in this mess where Democrats are always outnumbered by Republicans in the election booth, even though they outnumber them when counting registered voters.

Didn’t you know? That’s what GOP stands for: Gaslighting, Obstructionism, Projection.

The slimy gut Farage got in here because of his trumpist views

Well, that and Putin.

Some of the more extreme-minded liberals do a good enough job at sabotaging themselves and the movements they are a part of, without the need for malicious saboteurs. Like Atheist+ or progressive stack.

Then again, Russians orgs are out there, trying to influence politic movements and sabotage others. GamerGate was an entire sea of political actors, journalists, influencers, and Russian agents, trying to push their own narratives to the point of mass disinformation from both sides, with the general public on either side confused and angry at the other’s responses.

Defund means to essentially get rid of a department or thing. The phrase “defend the police” means “get rid of the police”. It doesn’t matter if there’s some cartoon to re-explain away the phrase or a bunch of other people trying to re-define the English language. English is English, and words have meaning.

The “defund the police” movement failed because us liberals don’t fucking understand marketing. Like, at all. I can’t count the number of times some liberal movement crops up with their slogan and Republicans turn that slogan against them because nobody spent the ten minutes time to think about how that phrase or thing could be abused. For example, that brief time when the LGBT movement wanted to rename themselves to LGBTQIA2SUVWTFBBQ? Seriously?!?

It’s like naming your baby “Assman McAssface” and wondering why he gets bullied in school.

Ugh, this crossover shit is getting worse...