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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Dec 14, 2023


Not quite true. The gov wanted Facebook to pay news sites instead of just rehosting their content so Meta pulled news on their platforms from Canada

You’re right. Clearly the answer is to continue to submit ourselves to the conservative and neoliberal minority rule that has lead to the current moment. It’s clearly working so well and has such excellent future prospects for everyone who lives under it.

You mean the election we’re looking at right now, under First Past The Post?

Half of the reason the CPC ever wins is because the left vote is so splintered in Canada. Basically any system other than FPTP is more representative and will result in more fair elections

But that might give parties other than the liberals or conservatives a solid chance at power! It’s practically treason!

Its a grocery monopoly here in Canada, so unless you’re Canadian you may not be familiar with their treachery

I was going to say, what healthcare-centric crisis stands between 2019 and now? It feels like longer waits are an obvious consequence. Not to say that’s all though, it’s not like people are signing up in droves to go hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt and work their asses off just to get rewarded with 12 hour hospital shifts where you don’t have enough resources to deal with the number of patients.

One of the largest instances, lemmy.world, is no longer receiving posts from this community. They’re worried about legal troubles I think?