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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 04, 2023


Do you have a name for the opentelemetry collector? I’m interested.

I try to follow https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/

For me, the need it: when production is on fire, as a responsible person, I want to be able to understand why the change of this commit has been made. Perhaps also what were the drivers of the implementation.

I also have this onliner to commit and push each 10min:

watch -n 60 'git add . ; git commit --allow-empty-message -m ""  ; git push'

But those commits would never be merge as they are to master or main. It’s just if I loose work on my laptop. Worst case a git rebase HEAD~ has to be done before the PR review.

I use my own gogs/gitea for now. I need to check if I need to change since the name issue.

And as CI, I use drone.

You can all the config and content of a gohugo blog in github and it built and hosted by netlify. For the local dev, hugo server.