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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


The Biden Admin just announced an executive order removing de minimis tax protections from large companies trying to exploit it to import large quantities of product, which is going to take a bite out of Shein and Temu’s business models.

Remember how Trump’s inner circle from his last time around either all disavowed the man or have spent the last 3 years in courtrooms and bankruptcy proceedings?

I’ve managed people for a long time. I’ve helped develop and implement accomodations for people with physical disabilities, learning disabilities, trauma history, mental health issues, and more. What you’re doing here is painting everyone with a disability with one brush, where the reality is people with disabilities have a wide variety of needs and wants.

I feel like you are coming into this conversation with a specific grievance about a specific meeting or group that’s starting without you. I’d challenge you to think inventively about how you can get your needs met while not externalizing your experience (“my dissatisfaction is everyone else’s fault”) and falling into resentment.

Reading your headline, I was thinking I was going to agree with you here. People who have lower incomes or who lack transportation absolutely have more barriers to overcome to be on time, and I genuinely believe grace should be given e.g. when arriving to work.

But starting a large meeting on time is being ableist? I don’t know how else to put this…that sentiment is profoundly entitled. You want the entire group to wait for you because you had transportation difficulties? You want the entire group to extend the time they were planning on being on this meeting? What about people who have pre-scheduled rides who are going to have to leave on time? People who rely on family for transport?

I fully support giving grace to people who have transportation issues, and supporting them in getting caught up on anything they may have missed. I will never abide a person who’s not on time who expects the world to stop and wait for them and calls them “ableist” for just holding a meeting as planned.

Could also just not use it in your browser either

This graph displays cost based on grams of protein per unit weight, not based on weight alone. You’re comparing items based on weight alone.

In the actual report linked in this article it says they were aware of the attack as it was happening and that they don’t believe it was a state actor

I disagree that it’s a euphemism. It’s a term with a specific meaning

Ethnic cleansing has been described as part of a continuum of violence whose most extreme form is genocide. Ethnic cleansing is similar to forced deportation or population transfer. While ethnic cleansing and genocide may share the same goal and methods (e.g., forced displacement), ethnic cleansing is intended to displace a persecuted population from a given territory, while genocide is intended to destroy a group.

The defense minister closed with an ultimatum: “I call on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to make a decision and declare that Israel will not establish civilian control over the Gaza Strip, that Israel will not establish military governance in the Gaza Strip, and that a governing alternative to Hamas in the Gaza Strip will be raised immediately.” With these words, the Israeli defense establishment effectively launched a revolt against the Netanyahu government—and the dreams of its far-right flank to flood Gaza with Israeli settlers.

Gallant is far from the only person to press Netanyahu on this matter. For months, President Joe Biden and his administration have called for Israel to work with the Palestinian Authority—the Hamas rival that governs the West Bank—to establish a new administration in Gaza. Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot, two former IDF chiefs turned opposition politicians, joined Netanyahu’s government after October 7 on the condition that a committee be created to formulate a Gaza exit strategy. But despite all of this external and internal pressure, no such plan has materialized—for a very straightforward reason: Netanyahu cannot publicly commit to a postwar plan for Gaza that includes Palestinians, because the day-after plan of his far-right partners is to get rid of those Palestinians.

Yesterday, standing at a lectern emblazoned with the words settlement in gaza will bring security, the far-right minister Itamar Ben-Gvir told a rally of thousands that the only way to defeat Hamas is to “return home” to Gaza and encourage “voluntary emigration” of its Palestinian population—a euphemism for ethnic cleansing. “Tell them,” Ben-Gvir declared, “‘Go to your homes, go to your countries. This is ours now and forever.’” Shlomo Karhi, a hard-right member of Netanyahu’s faction, offered similar sentiments. “In order to preserve the security achievements for which so many of our troops gave up their lives,” he said, “we must settle Gaza, with security forces and with settlers.”

These paragraphs are a decent snapshot of what’s happening politically in Israel if you don’t want to read the whole thing

Outside of maybe Hexbear and Lemmygrad, which I blocked some time ago, I don’t encounter these extreme opinions much at all here. How are you justifying painting the entire fediverse with such a broad brush?

And Netanyahu’s government has purposefully been legitimizing Hamas and undermining the PLO"s authority for just as long. Netanyahu does not want peace, he wants terrorists in control of Palestinian territories so he can justify brutality and conflict.

This is a complex issue that goes back many decades, Israel blatantly is trying to convince the world that “Hamas = Palestinians = bad” and “Support for the Palestinian people = anti-Semitism,” but the reality is Israel’s hands, particularly under Netanyahu, are not clean of this

Pretty sure they would’ve accepted a current prescription too, from your current sleep doc. I had a really old prescription too and had no issues with my current doc handling the paperwork

Phelan is where he is because a majority of the Texas House voted him in. The Texas House is not nearly as balls-to-the-wall MAGA conservative as the Senate, and all of these critics said the same thing last legislative session too, yet Phelan persists. There are too many rural Republican legislators in Texas who have an interest in the success of public education for school vouchers to pass. My bet is this special session ends with nothing accomplished

What, do you want a dissertation? Read the damn Wikipedia page

On inauguration day 2021, Biden fired pro-business Peter Robb, then general counsel of the National Labor Relations Board, replacing him with pro-union Jennifer Abruzzo in February 2021. Biden’s NLRB has pursued action against Starbucks’ and Amazon’s alleged anti-union activities. On August 24, 2023, the NLRB reinstated Obama-era policies regarding union elections, speeding up the timeline by removing restrictions such as resolving litigation before holding an election.

Biden became the first US president to run for election with a unionized campaign staff for his 2024 election run.

Biden made Juneteenth (June 19) a federal holiday in 2021, celebrating the end of slavery in the U.S. In March 2022, Biden signed the Emmett Till Antilynching Act into law. With the enactment of that legislation, lynching was made a federal hate crime for the first time in American history.

In October 2022, Biden pardoned all past federal marijuana possession charges and announced an inquiry into whether cannabis should be removed from Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act. In December 2022, Biden signed the Medical Marijuana and Cannabidiol Research Expansion Act which was the first standalone cannabis-related bill ever passed by the United States Congress.

In December 2022, Biden signed the Respect for Marriage Act, which repealed the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), required states to recognize other states’ marriage certificates for LGBT Americans.

On January 25, 2021, Biden signed an executive order that lifted the ban on transgender military service members. This reversed a memorandum imposed by Trump.

In January 2021, Biden directed the U.S. Department of Justice to reduce their usage of private prisons and ordered the attorney general to not renew contracts with private prisons, citing the need to “reduce profit-based incentives” for the incarceration of racial minorities.

The Biden administration rescinded work requirements for Medicaid recipients. The administration opened a special enrollment period for the Affordable Care Act as well as extending the normal enrollment period, citing the COVID-19 pandemic. The administration provided larger premium subsidies.

In August 2022, President Biden signed into law the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. The law allocates $64 billion for a three-year expansion of Affordable Care Act subsidies originally expanded under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and $265 billion for prescription drug price reform to lower prices, including providing Medicare the authority to negotiate the prices for certain drugs.

In August 2022, Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 into law. The bill included significant federal investment in domestic clean energy production, combatting climate change, and healthcare; it aims to reduce U.S. carbon emissions by 40% from peak 2005 levels by 2030.

There’s so much more. Are you saying you prefer the Republican version of all these policies?

Looking at the long term, 3rd parties will help bring in new sets of people that are not the status quo.

Can you show one example of this over the last century?

How have they failed? What do you want Biden to do differently?

Biden is protecting LGBTQ rights, strengthening labor organizing protections, enforcing fair housing, strengthening consumer protections, investing in technologies and creating policies to reduce carbon emissions and protect natural spaces, reducing student loan debt, making the tax code more progressive, going after wealthy tax dodgers, and so much more. What in the ever-loving fuck are you talking about

Feel ashamed of what?

Dr. West is the only one that has real policies and plans to change the status quo.

And absolutely no path to achieving anything except making a Republican president.

Are you really implying there isn’t a difference between what Biden is doing and what a Republican would do in that office? It’s clear Biden’s policies are far superior to what Republicans have to offer in every way, and this has serious implications for all of us, especially the most vulnerable among us

Who the fuck cares about this entertainer’s politics? He’s a comedian, not a politician

Great info, thank you. Regarding your first point, I don’t think Schiff has a chance at that seat, but I guess we’ll see

She was last elected 5 years ago and has dramatically declined since then. I’m asking what can be done with her in office right now given her condition. Does CA have recalls?

What happens when that person is in mid- to late-stage dementia and can no longer even make decisions for herself? How can she step down from office given she very obviously struggles to recognize she’s in office? How can she be removed from office involuntarily? Ordinary people in her situation would have a guardian by now

The government stopped the strike, they didn’t stop contract negotions and all the other pain that comes along with that, and the unions and companies recently came to an agreement giving workers 7 days of sick leave per year (in addition to their paid time off), which is what they were threatening to strike over

I’m trying to wrap my head around this…when the railroad unions were trying to negotiate a new contract with companies, the sticking point that was potentially leading to a strike was very clearly sick leave. Biden was portrayed as the bad guy here because he didn’t let these workers strike due to the real harm this would do to everyone else in the form of shortages and even worse inflation, but then he kept at it and they ended up with the sick leave they wanted in the first place.

That was one issue, safety regulations and infrastructure investment are a totally separate issue. The Obama Admin issued rules in 2015 that very well could have prevented the derailment in Palestine with better braking systems and more structurally sound train cars. Republicans in the legislature lead by Senator John Thune overturned this rule when they controlled both houses in 2018, and Donald Trump signed it.

My point is the railroad industry is constantly lobbying to decrease their regulations because they’re frankly evil corporations who put profit above safety, and the Republican Party stands squarely on the side of the companies, while the Democratic Party tries to implement safety regulations. I just don’t understand how you can sit here and blame Democrats for this

The table is a construct where Republicans tell Democrats what they’re going to do. The Democrats have not yet fully realized or embraced that their responsibility at the table is to say “No.”

Do you have an example of this since Biden took office?

No argument from me regarding how Obama handled Republicans, but that’s not what we’ve seen happen since Biden took office. He’s done a great job of getting much of his agenda passed by peeling off what few “moderate” Republicans are left, and he hasn’t caved to Republican demands at all without extracting serious concessions on his end too. The reality is Republicans control the House right now, so they have to work together with Democrats to some extent, whether or not we emotionally would prefer Biden just give them the finger

You mean their comment cynically speculating about something that hasn’t happened?

Why would you not be surprised? There’s zero chance this would ever pass a Democratically-controlled chamber of Congress. Focus your ire on Republicans, who are the people pushing this anti-trans and anti-human rights agenda