Assistant to the Vice Rep of the World

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


Wasn’t Go designed to be a memory safe systems programming language? I haven’t really used it enough to see if it holds true, though.

I just picked up some games from Humble Bundle that I’m going to play while waiting for Unicorn Overlord to release. I think I’ll start on Loop Hero first, but some of the other games in the bundle look interesting too.

I’m also struggling with the itch to go back to ER, busy in a similar boat (around the Haligtree entrance, but it’s been around a year and I don’t think I have the chops anymore). I think I’m going to try and hold out until there’s more info on the expansion.

I did this about a year ago and haven’t looked back. The only thing that’s sometimes a problem is if a game has anti cheat stuff that’s super Windows specific, but I wouldn’t want to run those things anyway.

I’m still slowly working my way through Rogue Trader. It’s a lot of fun, but something about it makes me feel satisfied with a session after around an hour in. It’s slowing down my progress, but probably the only thing not leading to me burning out and never actually finishing the game.

I am getting an itch to play a gag, so I might pause RT, but I’m also afraid I won’t end up coming back to it if I do.

The downside is it makes Google the de facto owner of all of your online information. You could never use a Google product, but because they have such a large market share they’ll essentially force every site and platform to use their solution.

That’s very dismissive of the failures the former ruling party had. It’s hard to drum up votes for the guy considered responsible for tanking your county’s economy and spiking the poverty rate.

Like I agree, him winning is unfortunate and short sighted, but I think blaming the victims isn’t going to do anything other than help asshats like him win.

I think the disconnect here is that others are saying “they aren’t supporting us,” and your response is pretty much “lol, abandon what you’re doing and go back to the corporations.” A totally fair take, but how you’re delivering it comes across as missing their point.

Also “it works on windows” is a terrible rebuttal in a discussion where you first say “it works fine on x11”

I don’t think you know what a thought piece is. There is no analysis or opinion from the author.

Plus when people share their take on it, you just accuse them of parroting talking points. You have added nothing to this conversation past various forms of “you’re wrong,” with only insults to serve as counter points.

That said, if you want to try to explain to us why you feel a corporation taking away access to something that was bought is fair and just, I’m all ears and more than willing to have the discussion with you that you claim to want.

I’m sure a lot of it comes down to different experiences and generally different points of view, but I’ve found myself disagreeing with pretty much every article from this site I’ve seen so far.

I’m glad to hear it’s turned, but all I was hearing about was racism and transphobia that is at modern Twitter levels.

I heard it was pretty much twitter with even less moderation, but it’s a smaller so you’re slightly less likely to run into open neo nazis, but only slightly. I only have hearsay to go on, as it never really interested me, but most of the people I know that went to it have stayed.

I feel like you didn’t read the opinion piece at all, and just ran with your feelings from the title. In the first two paragraphs the author talks about how I agreed with the strong initial response to the terrorist attack. It’s the wonton targeting of civilians and looking the other way as language of genocide is being used that the author, and every else that I know that isn’t blindly pro one side or the other takes.

Honestly, I don’t think more of the same is going to help you feel less burned out. Obviously your couple of sentences doesn’t give me a lot of insight into your life, but you do not seem to enjoy your job, and that is going to color your whole perception on anything related to it. I think I’d honestly recommend you start looking for work you actually enjoy, but if that isn’t possible I recommend unplugging as much as possible for awhile. That’s the only way I’ve ever had the spark come back for me. Starting side projects always lose their luster after a session or two and just started to feel like another source of stress for me.

The hype cycle. And just like how even a reasonable read on the supposed benefits are going to leave most people very disappointed when it happens. And I’m glad you’re one of the people that have found a good use for LLMs, but you’re in the vocal minority, as far as I can tell

I believed that like 5 years ago, when S42 was “releasing next year!” Wish I could get my money back.

The ACLU tends to rabidly support anything that labels itself as free speech, even if it actually stifles it. Most importantly, to me, their continued support for Citizens United.

But maybe that’s the only real case and it’s just loomed so large in my mind for the chilling impact “corporations get free speech, and their dollars count as that” has had on the US political landscape.

I gave up when they randomly jumped topics and I couldn’t tell how they were related. And just generally felt like this essay could have been heavily edited to get it’s point across.

In general I like the EFF and the ACLU, but I do think that it’s not uncommon for them to end up on the “wrong” side because they extrapolate too far or are being dogmatic when most things have and require nuance.

I don’t think I’ve seen either of those in a decade? Maybe it’s because Firefox is my daily driver so it isn’t trying to install months worth of updates at a time.

They probably won’t GPL it, since that’ll make the fork even less appealing to companies.

It’s less than half, as can be seen by popular vote counts. Still higher than it should be, but if it wasn’t for voter suppression (as laid out in the article) the right would have significantly less power than it currently does.

But who is talking to the boys, but the manosphere?

I think you misread the headline: “[MasterCard] announced this week that it has instructed U.S. financial institutions to stop allowing customers to use its debit cards to purchase marijuana products at cannabis stores…”

So far Corsair hasn’t let me down. I’m sure someday they will, but everything I’ve gotten from them has been good quality, but maybe it’s gone down hill since I haven’t had to get any parts in the last few years.

I agree that the wording isn’t the best, as it does perpetuate the stereotypes you outlined, but at the same time the fact that it’s so heavily reliant on consent will give male victims a better shot at actually being treated fairly as now they won’t necessarily have to prove unwanted penetration happened.

I’m torn on this one. On one hand, fuck the money grubbing corporations that got themselves into this mess. On the other these closures are creating food deserts.

Then don’t play them and let the people that enjoy them enjoy them?

Because that doesn’t let them shake their fist and tell the youths to get off their lawn.

It’s important to keep brining his terrible record up, as it seems likely he’s trying to position himself as a “moderate” challenger to Biden in the Democratic Primaries.

I can’t say I want another 4 years of Biden, but I would take that over this clown any day.

I doubt it’s normal so much as taking advantage of mostly immigrant labor’s faith.

Thankfully I haven’t run into issues with Nest, but if I wasn’t a renter I wouldn’t want them in my home.

It’s very unlikely that big instances will start blocking small ones. It can certainly happen, but I think most people running Lemmy instances are more likely to want to federate. If they don’t they’ll probably run one of the forks that explicitly disable it, so you’ll never know that they exist from your instance.

Unfortunately there isn’t a finer grained tool. You can ban users, but if the instance they’re from has open sign ups the banned user can just create a new account and return to harassing people on the server. This is the reason that Beehaw defederated with the two earlier this week. They tried everything they could before then, but the tools just aren’t there yet to not punish the whole instance if the instance’s admin isn’t willing to meet part way.

There is the ability to block users on Lemmy. And then they’re really blocked, like you can no longer see any comments they made, or replies to their comments. And blocking a community should ensure that it doesn’t show up when you’re browsing all or searching.

For sure, but it does make the barrier to entry significantly higher. A kid now is much less likely to stumble into how something works if they have to effectively break several locks when before the door was wide open.

I think your car metaphor is even more apt than you meant it, as over time both car manufacturers and mobile platforms have gotten more and more hostile to users actually being able to do maintenance or self service.

Possibly even younger when you take into account that most undocumented labor doesn’t follow any of the other laws either.

Unfortunately there really are only hammers at the moment. You can’t just defederate a community, but even if you could that wouldn’t help here.

It’s not that the two instances were hosting objectionable content, it was that they had a slew of users come to Beehaw to try and disrupt the community, and continue to do things like ban evasion.

The idea is more to ensure that the labor class is to tired and sick to fight for their rights.